
Speedrunners will be done before second dude starts


Master sword only lets go!
Checks inventory
Realizes the previous players didn't get the master sword


So basically doubling it and giving it to the next person


Meanwhile my brother and his best friend beat games like this one by each taking half the controller. True teamwork πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


Yeah that’s how brothers play all over


I watched this vid, and it was really good! You guys did great!


Peak gaming


there was a mod for botw so you could play together. Just before totk theydeveloped it but im not sure if they stopped after totk.


Fun challenge 🌟


Bro really forgot to put me in the game


Burritos. More like. Uh. Troll


Wow the turn of the century he is such a genius


We need a two player Zelda game, who agrees??


Be careful,  sadly The big N company doesn't like modding like this, I hope your vid stays up




Oh cool pass the world but in TOTK


Do zoanite device's only


Not sure what you mean possible? You can pass a controller to them. Or take your console to where they are


dang i can't believe that happened at the end
(totally not view bait)