Worst part is they turned off their comments section can’t even handle their criticism anymore pathetic
Man this game looks good graphically, but what a waste it's a genre I am not interested in. Days Gone 2 would have been a big hit.
i wanted to give the game a chance, but the actress started mocking gamers. I don't think i will spend money on it. The Naughty Dog should have kept her on a short leash.
Ga-lack-tick Ga-lack-tick Galactic Pronunciation!!
😂 I listened very seriously when you said (its not even about the character its so much more stuff is actually messed up with this game) 😂😂then after that you said i dont like the (character i think she is wierd looking). bro you just said there is more stuff than the wierd looking character😂 then after that just skip and skip and talked about some reflection with water. that was it.?? where is the (so much stuff that actually messed up with this game 😂are you fucking serious?? then you talking about turning off the comments, bro those people like you that there iq is 40 just talking nonsense you whant them to turn on the comments 😂 bro iam still waiting for the (so much more stuff is actually messed up with this game)????? what was it?? the the wierd looking character. really? that was it? if its just interest i get it but there is no logic when you said (so much more stuff is actually messed up with this game)
I will buy it and play it myself. So many haters just want to bring the trouble to intergalactic.
You said what everyone is thinking. Its hard for a lot of men to put themselves in a womans shoes to properly enjoy the game. Im one of those men. Just let us create our own characters from now on. Being labled a sexist for prefering to play through masculine stories with masculine characters is wild
We need another last of us game
I’m hype for this game .. gonna be pissed if it gets canceled because of right wing incels that hate women and black people in games.
It will be the worst game ever! by Naughty Dog!!!! There are only two IP's Uncharted and The Last of us, that built Studio Name, no more IP can take place of these two Legendary Series!!
I think most of the hate is sheep following the herd. This trailer is bad, yes. But honestly we don't have enough info to like or hate it yet. This is why I hate games being introduced with cinematic trailers. I'm just not excited about this game at all because I have nothing to be excited about. I'm also not angry becuase there is nothing to be angry about, so far.
The Gameplay Snippet has my attention because it looks cool The characters first impression for me is, she's the definition of arrogant Girl boss. However, we don't know anything genuine about the game, it's just automatically assumed that this game is just going to be another Star Wars Acolyte/Outlaws or another Concord. So I'm just going to wait and see what else they reveal about the game to give an honest opinion of it.
Why dont you find the main character interesting? Just curious, considering it seems that it's down to her appearance. Everyone keeps talking about naughty dog making everything political but really maybe people should just play the game for what it is, not even needing to take any notice in their political decisions. At the end of the day, they needed to make something new, and it seems pretty cool, very unique for ND. Keeping an open mind with this one.
You’re late to the hate train. I’m really disappointed in you. I was subscribed but now it’s over. Sad to learn that you’re part of the incels gang trying to ruin the gaming community. I’ll buy that game because Naughty Dog and Neil Druckmann are excellent game designers and storytellers. Unsubscribed.
I'm sick of all this woke stuff but I genuinely think the game looks good
"she has a hit list", "she's gonna kill this dude" . I don't think you can call this a hit list. Looking at the articles titles, you can sort of guess those people went missing after a theft and she might be looking for them but her motives and objectives are unclear yet. That being said, one of the persons she is looking for to "retrieve jewelry" is apparently dead so you can maybe extrapolate a bit and make a parallèle with Red Dead Redemption where she is trying to find scattered members of her old group but not necessarily to kill them.
They should of just called it space lesbians
I know i may get a lot of hate for this but i absolutely didn't like tlou2 because of how the character dev of Joel had been handled, given in the collectibles that you collect during your entire playthrough, those diary pages or notes or whatever they were + the character dev in general apart from Ellie lacked a lot. I have also never seen a sequel being as divisive as tlou2.