I love the idea of using awareness, observation and experimentation to boost productivity. It’s refreshing to hear that it’s okay to not be as efficient as a machine and that we can still find our own way to getting things done.
This is the best way to think about productivity and just work itself. There is no point in shame and trying to act like a machine. Embracing our emotions is the only sure way to grow in any aspect of life
So much today is about productivity and efficiency. How about boosting compassion and trust? We are caught up in a technological mindset, and it is destroying our lives.
i have been thinking about the same thing for the past few years. the first step of improvement is some kind of honesty with yourself without judgment.
Observing without judgement is something I still struggle with, but it's definitely a skill that gets better with experience ❤
I dont need to be more productive though, I just want to relax. Society already hyperfocuses on productivity as if it makes life better but it doesnt
Wow, that's probably the most wonderful productivity video i ever saw, and is so underrated!! FINALLY someone who doesnt diss on emotions and try to make me a machine, and who see the value of motivation. Emotion vs reason is a false dichotomy, we want things because we feel a certain way about it. Without emotions we wouldnt be able to discrimante between good or bad, everything would be indifferent. The part about overcoming shame was really important to me, i'm really shameful and resistant to ask help of my parents because they shame me and blackmail me and were almost always against my wishes and opnions, so that created a mental block where i can't talk to them. The most shocking is that this is my biased view of the events, it's based on bits of memories and lacks information and perspective, i'm really bad at seeing other perspectives. But most of all i've been trying to create self sufficiency and be better than others - the opposite of who i was - i want to face my issues and not expect a hero so asking help feels like defeat. But i now i see i can delegate some things, still be in charge or the very least as a beginning of indepence, a development of a new pattern of behaviour, thank you.
1. Become Awareness about the problem 2. Observe it 3. Experiment a new solution
This is amazing! At first I thought it will be another hack that helps only short term something like ‘how to suck it up’.
For me, crossing tasks off a list is the nudge I desperately needed to get them done. It seems silly, but for me, it WORKS
Now that you have found your way onto the world, enjoy the bright side, knowing that difficulties, too, deepen your wisdom. Your uniqueness is something to be grateful for. You have knowledge no one else can have. Thank all the aspects of your life that have made you-you. That person who is unabashedly stepping forward on their own path with positivity.
Thank you for mentioning a method that I could use to boost my productivity. I feel like giving it a try and see what will happen. ❤️
It really hits home how far wrong we've gone as a culture in the west when people like this dude start saying they've felt "guilty and ashamed" for not being more like a machine
Granted im not super deep into my career but all i have realised from "productive" people is they work extremely long hours, and perfectly happy to sacrifice life over work, because their work is their life. Having worked closely with high performers its not that they have some secret to getting everything done in 7 hours, they are just comfortable working long hours. Good for them, not for me, I have a good job and want to suceed but my personal time, fitness and life is non-negotiable and i certainly dont care anywhere near enough to be maintaining a spreadsheet of people ive met fml (maybe this would be different if I had my own business!) I also find the inbox problem is just an issue of the times we live, emails emails emails! And actually sending emails makes people feel productive. So why worry about inbox piling up? Its only a problem if those piles are all urgent lol so I just flag any important one i need to respond to and dont sweat te rest.
Great message, great delivery!
Honestly my issues are more baseline: Procrastination and Discipline. I find it extremely hard to start something (even things I know I enjoy) and then I'll get completely distracted while working after all YouTube is always 1 click away. Don't even get me started on taking short breaks they never work as with naps once I take one hours just disappear. Finally there's Uno Mas Syndrome, with anything I enjoy it's always just one more just one more over and over again.
This video took me 30 minutes to finish and I was pulled into multiple directions during it
Of all the examples one could have given why choose the inbox issue.
Cool way of thinking about this kinda thing