
One of the most under rated bands of ALL TIME


This song should be more popular


Paul's guitar screaming over the top of Frank's growling bass. A combo made in heaven. One of their very best songs too! AFOS are a phenomenal band with a playful imagination and supreme polished power. πŸŽ†


The way that keyboard swirls around that riff.


What a great track !! I loved the 80's in England . Proper old Skool. βœŒοΈοΈπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§


Their awesome  underground songs rocked big time


Incredible album


Real Bad ass song!!!


β˜†LONG LIVE THE 80'Sβ˜†


This Album Is In My Top 5


Just beautiful


one of their best songs


OMFG. Such a great song. Its been so long since I last heard it. IMHO, prob the best FOS song, bar none.


Paul was the glue of this band his departure was there downfall


Forgot about this tune....One of my favs by them....


Favorite AFOS song 🀘 I always gravitate to the heavy stuff.


A really great intro!! One of the best I have heard. And the whole song is great.


That guitar makes me fly


My favorite song still today!


Great bass