Sure, I'll bite. I'm a beginner DM still struggling with adventure prep, and I need to prepare a few right now so I'll test your very method tonight :)
I think it would be cool if Monty would fill out this sheet for a future "Fate of" episode and explained how he used it with B roll of that episode inserted in
Great work guys, also Kelly's tattoo and hair just perfect👌
Thank you so much for the video and the worksheet! And Kelly, your new look rocks!
I title my adventures. It's usually just descriptive, like the first one in my new campaign is "Save the Village." Sometimes there are puns involved, like the one that will involve basilisks and medusae titled "For Those About to Rock." Keep on keepin' on, 'Dudes!
Everyone talking about Kelly, but Monty, youre looking great too man. Just thought you should know that... I see you!
I literally just finished watching the video where you said you'd make this, popped out to see what to watch next, and here it is!
Great video will definitely give this a go. Something i have added to my prep sheet is a little box where i put each pc name in. Then i think of something rhat moght come up in the session related to their character. It moght be something big from there backstory, and npc that asks them specifically a question, a place to use a cool power or item they have. Its a really good way to start prep and make sure the session frames the player characters.
This is the EXACT kind of community created content that Hasbro has tried to kill several times over at this point. Imagine a world where the books are all you get because works like this are “illegal”. Thank you gentlemen for this important work!
Your template looks really useful. Gives some structure support, but remains open enough to be customized. Thanks!
Great worksheet! I’ll definitely use it if I ever move away from pre-made campaign modules to homebrewed ones.
Right now I am prepping a "Mystery in a small town" - Session for tomorrow. This video is helping me a lot! 😂
The one-page adventure is pretty much the entirety of my DM campaign design! I have 3-4 ready at any given point - and then pick the one closest to what players decide. Sometimes I will even do it in session - I will have a map already completed but no objectives in it. I roll on a table (using the Shadowdark adventure generator cos that’s our system) to determine what needs to be done.
Thank you guys, useful sheet and great commentary on it. Happy to get back into World Anvil too with the discount, love it.
Going to give this sheet a try. It is wild that something like this wasn't in the new DMG.
I'm amazed that you took the time to generate and provide these resources! I will absolutely download and make the most of these. Thank you!
I was gonna comment this on the other video about the DMG, but thought it'd be too big of an ask. Ya'll goin above and beyond.
Thank you for this. Gonna totally use this when i get home from work!