Took me a while before I realized that the reason the song sounded so familiar is because it takes more than a little inspiration from "Pina Colada."
I love that I go though the comments and finding people who said the new deal either did or didn't work but barely mention why that is. I was under the impression the New Deal was largely just a bandage on the US to get it through, considering ignoring the problem or continuing the same policies that put it into a Depression would inevitably allowed for the rise of Communist or even Fascist elements. I mean hell, we almost had a Fascist coup at one point during FDRs time.
Honestly my Grandfather joined the Marines to get out of the Depression. His Boot Camp training ended in late November 1941. Then about a week or 2 later Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.
That... thing.... that’s supposed to be a baby is creepy as hell.
i miss this show so damn much. it taught me allot that school couldn't. like it or not this show had hard facts
The new Battlefield 5 trailer looks good.
1:01 fun fact: the USSR actually prospered during the great depression because of their lack of a stock market and the scapegoat that was capitalism which caused many people to move there
WOW??? Looking at the comments below, for every thing that's holy, Calm down. I mean the last comment was from a year ago. The New Deal was a program to increase government spending to create jobs and disperse money across the board. The New Deal wasn't really socialism. If you understand capitalistic economics at all, this was a normal way to grow an economy through capitalism. Create demand to create supply to create supply you need more labor which means less unemployment which leads to a larger middle class. It was needed when not only the US was suffering from a natural cause crisis. The Dust Ball destroyed the Midwest's crops. There was Flooding and Hurricanes and Typhoons as well as Germany's in ability to pay the debt for WWI. Honestly, I think the European side of the Great Depression was mainly the destruction of cities and farm land not counting the large amount of dead workers and diseases. The part that was said "labor turn a little red" was talking about Unionization, so workers can demand the wages that are more fair. I think it was a poor choice of words honestly, but I don't think the writers of the kids' show song would have thought near to 20 years later on a website that didn't exist people going on a huge arguer attack over the song. I'm a Capitalist Neo-classical Economist; therefore, I'm skewed toward Capitalism. But by all that's holy people no reason to get so fucking pissed off of a near 20 year old kids show song trying to relate some history in a general and quick method. i KNOW TOO LONG DIDN'T READ! (caplock that just so it was seen not to sound shouty.)
Awesome show. These are great songs for children to listen to. Not perfect, obviously, but still good history lessons for youngins.
This song makes me proud to be American
29 people don't like Government programs.
The thumbnail on the video says: ”Toothless egg baby establishes communism”
0:47 The luckybob army is apon us
Ah yes my favourite country. USO
Ever notice that, when the blonde girl (Charity Bazaar) isn't singing, she almost always looks and acts depressed or down on herself?
A lot of the US social programs were started to keep Communism from overthrowing the government.
Big Fat Baby’s Head is Looks Like Tommy Pickles from Rugrats! 😆
Honestly. The entire song seems happy and like, yay happiness feeding poor. Then it starts talking about Pearl Harbor and I wonder what I'm doing with my lifez