
best music😇😇🥰🥰


I wore this CD out


Linda música de uma grande banda fizeram muito sucesso nas rádios aqui do Brasil nos anos 80 e 90 na minha cidade Campos Dos Goytacazes RJ


Lost this song once and rediscovered it yesterday. So powerful and yet somehow melancholic. It reminds me of a time in a life when i was overcome by struggles and the only moments of freedom I felt was when closing my eyes and listening to this song.


One of the hottest outro guitar solos of all time! Great album, with hot-rodded tones throughout! 1995 album CDs resurfaced recently on ebay! Ed Berner on guitars. Fantastically under-appreciated album!💎


cant believe its been 40yrs since i first discovered afos!  love em




Great song


i never heard of this album, I thought Dream Come True was the last album. I need this one now!


I heard this song once on the radio when it came out and it took me about 20 years to find it.  I didn’t know the name or who sang it.  That said, this song has been seriously under valued and hidden.  Thank you for uploading this song!


It’s been 3 years since I’ve discover them and I embody them they are my future yeeeeeeeeee 😎


Best song they wrote


Written by Christine mcvie (Fleetwood Mac)