The habachi dude was so nice he actually split his tip with some random guy that he doesn’t even know that dude deserves nothing but good for the rest of his life
I love how Daydrian not afraid to joke about anything 😂😂
lofe is so chill yet daydrian is a literal crackhead, we need more vids w these two
I love when Daydrian & Lofe are in the same vid it’s too funny🤣. Lofe is just too calm & Daydrian just be loud af🤣.
D’Aydrian is just the definition of keep smiling every day
I love D’Aydrian bro he is so funny never fails to make me laugh
"she just got here" got me crying
that hibachi guy was such a W. lowkey we need more blogs of just u and the boys fr shit never disappoints 😭
I love how d’aydrian can get along with probably all YouTubers he meets
6:38 the meat catching part had me dead😂
It’s always a good day/night when D’Aydrian uploads😊, keep up the good work❤
Good job man I’ve seen you come so far and your content puts a smile on my face. You deserve the best.
Can we appreciate how this content never fails to entertain us?
I’m so happy your posting with loaf edit: YALL funny as hell together in the videos lol
Thank you for doing this for all of your fans! I really respect your work for us!
The hibachi desk lady was lowkey baddd. You already know D’Aydrian had to rizz her up 🥱
i love the whole group chemistry with ash alk lofe spirit kanel and d'adryian they stay makin me laugh
Deuteronomy 33:25: "As your days are, so shall your strength be"