I saw an AR platform shotgun at the store the other day, definitely interesting looking looks like a blast to shoot
Unless you got slugs, (judging by recoil you do not), the bear will be pooping you out it's butthole over the next few days
Follow through my guy
Grate gun but you trigger finger is way too deep on that trigger.
nice gun
snatching that trigger like it ain't yours
I put in an aftermarket drop in .. so accurate
I thought the mag blew up when he threw it down lmfao
I have this same shotgun 🤙🏿🤙🏿
Dude that bear will just be furious u ever seen their skeleton
She pretty brother. 💪 get the steal magpul pros. You’ll thank me later
Whats the foregrip for if you have your hand on the barrel..?
Be carful running a 12 that fast youll break the ejector components. Done it twice its no fun brah. Love me some ar12s need an ar10
Who puts their entire finger through the trigger guard like that?
Maybe when you grow up youll be able to control recoil
These are fun range toys but not a chance in hell would i be trusting my life to a semi auto Turkish shotgun
How do you like the semi auto shotguns so far? I heard they jam a lot but only if you use the wrong ammo? Probably gonna stick with a pump or lever action but I would love something I can put a light or laser on
Always work on easily squeezing the trigger. No need to be so snappy, this type of shooting will mess with those fundamentals of accuracy