
I like that you collect guns in general, and showcase them to us here.Also rare ones are gems


Thanks for posting these amazing videos every day it makes me happy also can you slam fire it?


Oops, there sir. You are correct that these are Remington but the Model is 14, Not Reminton 141. 
Yes, again correct the Model 14 was made in 25, 30, 32, and 35 caliber. But they made 1 more that was 44-40, very hard to find.
The slight out of round with the empty is a common thing with these.
Great video love to see the old guns, I have all 4 of them with ammo for each. keep the old guns shooting.


Great Score and I am going to my friends Gun show that is held 4 times a year and I believe that it is going to be 6 shows this New Year, I have a few people that deal in classic ammo and I will let you know if you would like to get some ammunition for about half of what you are paying for it. I can E-Mail you about it if you want, I will be going this weekend on my birthday. Good morning to you all and enjoy your day today!


Looks like a deer thumper to me but might need to start some reloads for it.


I use to have the 22 version. I miss it and should have never sold it


I’d sub but you rarely post however I’ve checked out some videos 👍🏻🇨🇦


It is rare to see a pump action rifle in general.


Is it hard to find ammo in that size? Its a damn sweet gun classic




I’m new when it comes to purchasing gun as I’m waiting for my pal, but where do you find most of yours? I’m particularly interested in rifles like lee enfields and other older types surplus


have you ever thought about moving to the US


Perfect from India


ماشالله چقدمشترک داری منوهم مشترک شو درود برشما❤❤❤


Why are these ammunition so rare? The only other pump rifle are those in 22lr, and that can't hunts nothing, these, however looks like they are at least capable of scarring Canadian monstrous Wild life.


Why no new vid ? Are you ok ??


Hello from Iraq


perfect from iraq


whats the oldest shotgun you have in your collection?


I have 35 rem like that