Once Spoke starts making a goat army, we'll know he's truly desperate
“So I thought the only way to deal with my problem was to create an Army of 1000 bees….” Because that’s what we all would do
Name the place "Chicken strip factory" so nobody suspects its for bees
normal lifeless people: netherite sword ultra lifeless spoke: b e e
When you realize that half the entities were dropped stone on the ground :sweating: but seriously, good job. Most youtubers don't put in nearly as much time as this for content.
I wasn't expecting Spoke to actually give him a heart Well for the CONTENT!!
I see Spoke has given up on killing ClownPierce
Jees that bee factory is lookin BEEAUTIFUL
Keep the great work up , u don’t know how bored I am when you guys don’t post a vid but keep the great work up 🙂
for my hardcore singleplayer world, i went to the nether to mine bone blocks (soul sand valley or sth like that) cos i couldn't be bothered fighting skeletons lol. big-up the effort!
3:25 bro you had the perfect time to say "But he was really digging his own grade."
I can’t believe this channel that I’ve been subscribed to sense the beginning already have grown at a vary fast rate. I love that it’s been growing
Spoke: today I am breeding 1027 bees Tubbo: do this on my server lol
In minecraft bedrock edition, you can use fortune on lilacs, rose bushes, and peonies. It allows infinite flowers. Don't know if it works in Java, but it's worth a try.
You should've done this on clown pierce for the hearts back, and team with parrot to get the poggies kingdom back!
5:18 you should call it the "Bee Hive"
Parrot after looking in logs seeing the lag patterns in that certain region of the world: "black and yellow"
I’m surprised by this guy’s determination. But most importantly his math skills