
Crimes would never be solved if it wasn’t for hikers or people walking their dogs


911 caller: I may be just totally off my rocker
Narrator: Unfortunately, she was in fact, totally on her rocker


Why would they tell the father over the phone? That's insane...


"it was an accident"

 Proceeds to tell detectives that she knocked him out of the bathroom, choked him on the ground, and chopped him up after he died.



The fact they did this to him because he was “shy and not trans enough” is another level of evil.


Why on earth would those detectives allow the interview with Jenn to take place with her purse in her lap and her hand in her purse? That seems grossly negligent on the officers’ part


Imagine buying a used car only to get contacted years later by the police that it was possible evidence used in a murder.....


No regard for ENDING Ryan’s life, yet totally consumed with her own being RUINED. The absolute audacity


Thank goodness for the visual breakdown of relationships between these four people because it's so dysfunctional it's confusing as f***!!!


“Hey, we don’t want you living here anymore - it’s not working out.”

Literally all that needed to be said to avoid this tragic chain of events.


His poor family.  Cannot imagine getting a phone call telling you your precious kid has been dismembered.


Jenn dies and suddenly Sarah tells a story where all the fault lies on Jenn and there's nothing Jenn can do about it 💀  what a surprise


I cant imagine how hard the EWU team works to keep consistently uploading high quality videos.


I was shocked when Sarah said she was 30. That timid little baby voice she was using throughout the interview made her seem like a spooked teenager. I can't believe the detectives let Jen sit there with her hand in a purse while being questioned about a murder. I knew she was going to blow her head off as soon as they brought it up. I feel horrible for Ryan's parents. To hear the horrible details of what happened to him over the phone was heartbreaking.


The fact that this information was given to the victims father over the phone is shockingly insensitive. Wtf?!


If I speak really softly they won't know I'm a complete psychopath!!


Wait, she's dating someone else but when the husband does it she feels like she's not good enough? I'm so confused with that whole relationship part


I noticed that throughout the interview, Sarah is using distancing language instead of calling Ryan by name. She’s using the terms“it” for his body parts! That’s very telling!


she didn't want to throw Jen under the bus, but put the blame all on her once she died...? that makes total sense sarah


The cops not clocking a gun in the purse is some next level incompetence. Isn’t their whole job being aware?