
Asia is such a diverse and beautiful continent! Every country has its own unique charm.


Wow Asia is stunning!!🤩


OMG !!! this planet is a true piece of art !!!!


To all the souls reading this, it is my fervent wish that every source of concern or pain finds its resolution. May dark thoughts give way to light, and may tranquility fill your being. 🌌🙏


Listening to the soft natural sounds of water, rain and thunderstorm while sitting on the veranda of this cozy blockhouse is a dream! The water is slowly and steadily flowing through the water mill and the soft sound of all these wonders from nature are calming my nerves. When listening to these sounds I feel protected and will easily find deep sleep. I can only recommend this to you as well!


Very beautiful view and super soothing music,
so enjoyable, nice sharing.


I love your scenic videos.  You don't loop the same material over 11 hours like most.


In one word WOW!!!!!! Music Amazing, cinematic WOW, WOW!!!!!!!!!!


Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩💖


Невероятно волшебная Азия! Видео до мурашек! На столько это красиво!!!! Я была во Вьетнаме, но мечтаю посетить Южную Корею и Японию! Азия сказочна, хочется увидеть ее всю!


I live in Indonesia ❤ Thank you for showcasing my home country! I hope you visit my country soon! Warm greetings from Flores 🇮🇩


thank you for showing the beauty of Pakistan.


discover the Asia , amazing tour of Asian really, i love viewing the beauty of all the countries; ! The Locations, Photography, Music.... Everything of this Video is EXCELLENT Thank you again for sharing all these beautiful countries, in one video🤩


Amazing vibrant videos 🌄⛰, unique locations 🌏 and great music choice 🎹, terrific work 🔥, thanks!!!


This was absolutely breathtaking and deserves way more views. The music was wonderful! I appreciate that there were both aerial scenes and ones from ground level. Bravo! Thank you!


Beautiful continent. Glad to see you doing Asia!


Asia is still a amazing country, especially with the sunsets


🌸👋 Thank you, we watched it with a like👏🧿


wow asia a beautiful continent.  thanks for another video . love from India 🇮🇳 ♥️


This is one of my favs - I love how you added Yemen, Afghanistan and Kuwait! I don't believe I've seen those before on this channel!