I love how this girl has been thanking her friend for bringing her home for decades, every year no less. That's gratitude.
People who have cried or at least teared up to see the iconic duo reunite again are absolute legends for knowing who 2 were.
I love how after 5 years they still remember the character and how over the years she’s still thanking her for saving her all those years ago this song makes me tear up
おいおいおい 2:45で日本語で「星に願いを」って言ってるじゃないか。 本当にすごい
this guy somehow managed to cram most of his career into a single four minute song and i’m going to relive it for god knows how long
I can't even explain how much I love this. I never thought we'd get a sequel, yet here we are. Thank you, and Speedoru for making this. Thank you.
私が最初の作品を見たのは小学生の時です。 当時の私にとって、その映像と曲は衝撃的で、何度も繰り返し見ていました。 この動画を再生した時、懐かしさと嬉しさで胸がいっぱいになりました。 こんな素晴らしい作品を本当に作ってくれてありがとうございます。
This isn't just a sequel it's a recollection of all the adventures ujico has given to us and I'm tearing up.
I can't wait to watch this one a million times just like I did with the first one
Really love how happy she currently is, from a lifeless retail worker that lives in a shabby apartment to a happy woman with a cozy home and a friend, things changed much.
It's been 11 months and I just noticed the collar around around the picture of her cat at 0:23 and this song has made me cry yet again. This would probably be one of my favorite tracks from Snail's House to date for how intricate the stories came together in this one beautiful video.
Tributes to other snail's house works (I'm trying to get them all in a list here, if I missed something please tell me!): 0:05 Kirby sound effect (Pixel Galaxy) 0:16 Dork Con badge (Twinkle Star) 1:11 The dance arcade boss from (Snailchan Adventure) 1:29 Yellow alien with blue hair (Twinkle Star) 2:09 The red panda from (Snailchan Adventure) 2:17 Ramune girl from (Album: Ordinary Songs 1) 2:33 Snailien from (ALIEN POP and Twinklestar) 2:47 The yellow star (Magical Holiday, but I also want to believe that it's a reference to "Warp Star") 3:02 *The art change (Imaginary Express and Christmas of a wandering Ghost) 3:08 *The art change (Twinklestar) 3:13 *The art change (Album: Ordinary Songs 1 and 2) 3:31 Warp Star sound effect (Kirby) 3:32 Dream Castle Station (Album: Dream Castle, fun fact: Pixel Galaxy is referenced off of Dream Castle!) Note: Since this was a sequel I left out most of Pixel Galaxy references
00:08 pixel galaxy mom 00:50 pixel galaxy daughter 02:16 snailchan adventure 02:17 soda(blue bottle) in journey 02:33 twinklestar adult version 03:08 imaginary express 03:47 pixel galaxy melody
I love how this is a tribute to every single music video snails house has ever made. it makes me really happy that none of the characters were forgotten or lost in time.
Still one of the most heartwarming videos on YouTube half-a-year later. It's such good energy.
this actually brought me very very close to crying, the original video five years ago got me into snails house, and I’m so beyond thankful- the whole series has become so comforting for me over time, to see all the references and it all come full circle was such an incredible feeling . <3
I waited so long for a reunion with these two, and I’m so glad the wait was worth it. I love you Snailchan and Keri the Former Pop star woman
What an amazing fantasy world. (I wish I could go there)
I love the fact that all the dates that they met up was the actual date when the og vid came out (23rd of October) as well as this one , it makes it as if this was a very special date