we need the old diamond dimension intro in this
diamond dimensions, the nostalgia is real 😍
I've been waiting for this for YEARS. the OG Diamond Dimensions series was my FAVORITE playthough for the longest time. I can't explain how pumped I am
Hey Dan!! Thank you for playing my pack Integrated Minecraft! And for diamond dimensions of all things?!?! It’s really such an honor. Your original series is what made me fall in love with modded Minecraft. The pack wouldn’t exist without you! Thank you so much!
Hey Dan! It’s Craisin, the pack dev again! Just wanted to let you know if you update the pack we’ve added a ton more structures and bosses in the newest version, and it’s best to update before you explore too much! I would also love to work with you to make a custom version of the pack for this series if that’s something you would be interested in!
Hey Dan! I am one of the devs for this modpack, and I just want to say thank you for checking out this mod! This is a dream come true! Myself and the other devs (especially the creator @craisinlord) have put so much effort into making this the best modpack possible. A bit of advice on the mods in this pack, especially create, since you asked: I would highly, highly recommend you update to the latest version of the pack. I have added detailed guides in the questbook for both create and the magic mods. There is a lot more information now within the game itself. I agree that looking up a wiki should not be needed when playing a pack. I want all the information available within the game. I have tried my best to make this happen. ps. finish reading all the info on the quest homepage. it will help you start to unlock the secret recipes, which imo is one of the coolest aspects of the entire pack.
2:53 Having watched Wild Life, that snail approaching gave me a visceral reaction
11 years ago I was ten and never appreciated moded Minecraft. Now as a 21-year-old I'm mind blow that ur pc isn't exploding! I'm so hyped to see this series back!!!!!
The death of Pedro really hurt me. It wasn't even half way through the video. He dies and then his remains get eaten. RIP Pedro.
.....bro...am crying rn....i haven't really watched you that much for reasons idk...but i remember being very into the diamond dimensions as a kid, it's good to see you coming back to good old minecraft
Dan: “I’d feel bad if I steal this thing” 2 seconds later “Oooh he’s got leather”
“This bread has bird in its mouth” Made me laugh! I’m glad you made this new series! So excited to watch it!!
Bro i almost cried. My childhood before my eyes. over a decade ago i started watching you Dan, and have been playing your old Diamond dimensions videos for my wife of now 8 months. We both love it and I am so happy to see this coming back. Edit: The confusion in the replies to this is hilarious lol. My wife and I have been married for 8 months you goober
21:25 that has to be the most brutal pet death ever they even ate the fleshhhh 😭😭😭
I grew up with you and diamond dimensions, and to see you back doing it again, and at a calmer pace (let’s be honest we are all older lol) it warms my heart. I can’t wait to watch this series every time it releases. 😊
Dan, There is a button to the right of your helmet armor slot in the inventory, and it opens additional slots and you can put your backpack in one of those so it doesn't take up your chest plate slot, and you can craft the guidebook for the Ars Nouveau magic mod, Ars Nouveau is my favorite mod as its incredibly versatile. Words cannot describe the excitement I have for this series!
Dan, you have no idea how many times ive rewatched the diamond dimensions in my 20 years of life this just made me so happy
WHATTTT And I was just chatting about the old series with my friend yesterday!!! We went through a lot of nostalgia, and got surprised with this !!! We love you Dann!💎👊
Fun fact: You can left click the Toolboxes from the Create Mod (there was one in each tower that you raided) to pick it up. It maintains its inventory when you do. You can also bind a key to access a Toolbox's inventory from about a 10-15 block radius, which can come in handy when working on Create contraptions. So glad to see you return to modded Minecraft, Dan; can't wait for more!