
It’s so satisfying when i watch him race


Thank for your entertaining stream as always the best A9 racer respect


Hello RacerBest awesome stream


Nice stream


2:19:09 wow!!!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


Racerbest did you know Inferno Automobilis leaked their new car coming to asphalt 9 . It might be in the next update not sure but they did on their Instagram page


It's really hard no saying nice 4 u. Funny


even I am rich, goth and emo but you never say "wow nice to see pomme is watching my stream"


Please used this song's:
For all those sleeping: Once a liar
A skylit drive: Love the way you lie
Myka relocate: Doublespeak


I saw you before in a mp race, venom f5


Rimac Nevera drifts a lot better than before or I am wrong??


Any thoughts on the game's 27th Update coming October 5? Entering the Asphalt 9 Garage is the Mexican's second supercar, Inferno Settimo Cerchio.


hey racerbest is 4* rimac good for mp?


Bro whats name music 42.00


Chi chi @racer best