Beef starts at 1:05:00
The discussion of the beef is at 1:43:00 into the video.
Oh yes, my favourite format - silent microphone, forcing to turn the volume up, and then RIP Ears when the subscribers/super chats are coming in.
Man I knew of Geoff Robinson from his TTRPG stuff on Rollplay. Always funny as hell and entertaining. Absolute legend, sorely missed.
I've also had the distinct displeasure of playing against AH, not knowing who he was before the game. He's just as bad as everyone says, and utterly exhausting to have as an opponent.
So I have never had this problem except for once at a tournament but to make the game go faster why don't the opponents just roll the others dice when its a large amount rather than do the count. Just pick up all successes in the box and roll them for the saves.
Sad I missed you at the Gt !
Any time that GW releases something new for us it's just a warning bell that any unit that fills the same role is about to get the axe. GW hates competition, even from themselves. Why risk you not buying the new tank, the new named character, or the new whatever when they could just delete your old units and leave you with a hole in your ranks that needs filling?
We need timestamps for these xD
Wish mordian would drink more on these streams 😂
What is double turns in AOS?
Yo, the volume on this video is harmful lol
Didn't Innes ask this not to be dramatised more as it was already being dealt with by the uktc?