Krita has been my main drawing app for years and I had no idea that the command palette was a thing.. this changes everything
8:40 to the person in chat saying "someone was paid to make that spin"... That's the beauty of it, the answer is 100% no, it's pure peer reviewed volontiers work. Which I think is even better, rather than a moody higher up asking for this, a whole community of passionate devs and artists saw that change being offered and went "hell yeah, backflips"
OH MY GOSHH YESS KRITA IN S TIER 🙏🙏🙏🙏 i saw the thumbnail and got so scared that u were going to trash on it omg i love krita so much i always recommend it to everyone
Paint is so... comforting. You don't expect to make masterpieces on it, but when you do... the confidence boost is amazing
I gotta say one thing about ibis paint I love is how consistently they update and improve stuff without messing up the interface or base features
Also, you can 'mod' krita by downloading plugins made by others (eg. customise your own pie wheel, have palette generators etc.)
Ibis is really best on tablets/phones. The amount of insane art ive seen made on that from people just using their finger to draw is crazy
As a long time Krita user, it's been quite funny to watch honestly, especially the GIMP and Blender parts, I have used these two softwares for the purpose they're initially made for (especially GIMP, which has done me quite some useful services once or twice, if only its UI was better damnit), and I wasn't expecting someone to try rating them as 'drawing applications' XD You've also blown my mind with Paint, I never expected such a simple program to have a pen pressure input feature.
Really heartwarming seeing all the Krita fans here. Like Pikat said, it does have a steep learning curve (I even gave up on it once because I was just that unfamiliar with it) BUT once you learn the shortcuts and layers, brushes and painter's palette, it works like a dream!!😊 Iirc there's even a button/docker that has the presets of other popular art programs like CSP, so if you're coming in from another art program you can tweak it to you're liking in no time! Love the support this app had and is getting!! Thanks, Pikat❤
Thank you so much for not abandoning Krita after two minutes and calling it crap like SO MANY OTHER art program reviews, you would not believe how much that has happened
Glad to hear your opinion on Krita because I fell in love with it instantly. I really enjoy drawing as a hobby but I've never gotten much into digital art communities, so I didn't know if it was a good starting program. I don't mind things being complex, because if the idea is to utilize it all eventually then it's just something I can break down into bite sized bits of learning and approach things whenever I want to expand my craft.
I'm such a Krita fan. I see Krita's icon on a thumbnail, I immediately click just to see what you think of it. I've been using this program for so many years and I always learn more things about it. What do you mean it can FILL IN FLATS!? HUH That's such a game changer!! That's one of the things I envy CSP users on but it turns out Krita also has it AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
finally someone who didn't spend 10min in krita and say it's crap without giving it a chance, i use for animation everyday and i love it, thank you for the video! Love you Pikat Edit: thx for the likes everyone❤️
As a Blender 3D artist and student game developer, Blender is a HUGE pain to learn at first, but once you learn it you wont find many things more powerful than it. It is very nice for making 3d models for games :)
THANK YOU for acknowledging that Gimp is primarily for photo editing and not drawing. I've seen many artists just dismissing it as bad when it just isn't great for that specific usecase. That being said, the biggest benefit of gimp imo is the programmability of it. The api is insane and pretty much anything you can do in the UI, you can script.
There's an old greentext where a guy takes his linux tablet with GIMP to art class and has a nervous breakdown when he gets asked to draw a circle.
As someone who uses GIMP for image editing, I fully agree. That thing is NOT beginner friendly 😭 I do very basic edits for VRoid textures and that's it.
i'd like to offer an additional piece of krita propaganda: it doesn't crash often for me but if it does it's usually not a big deal because it has a pretty good autosave feature. you can also record your process. it's a great program overall it just takes some getting used to