
The land of death and decay was once home to a young man. He was alone, never safe, and yet still alive. One day he decided that just surviving was no longer enough. He was determined to find peace far away from the desolate world he lived in. That's when he looked to moon. It would be hard but soon he reached the stars and traversed the heavens, only to touch them for but a moment before crashing back down to the desolate earth. Even though all was lost in the heavens he did not give up. Persevering he made yet another attempt for the heavens, only to find that even the heavens held demons. But this young man was not one to quit so close to the end! Instead of escaping to a false heaven he decided he would transand both heaven and earth! He would build his own santuray amoung the stars! And so he journeyed back to the desolate lands one more time before finally setting off to create his own heaven. To this day it is said he watches from above. 



Now Nuke the Planet from your newly crafted Space Station.


“I made an oxygen bubble, which turns oxygen into a bubble.” Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes


He’s actually going to leave this series with creeper hissing ptsd


I imagine the next thing is that he goes to Mars and if you ever heard of doom or played it we’ll be prepared


“I’m gonna make an oxygen bubble, which makes oxygen into a bubble”


This man's Patience. Stronger than Bedrock!


MODPACK IS IN MY DISCORD! https://discord.gg/zutYhbc5W5


Subaru: hello spoke from minecraft 
Spoke: hello subaru from re: zero
Both of them: dying multiple times and pdst


"This modpack is definitely harder than RLCraft"
A lot of people have said that about other mods but this statement is true


The challenge get even better when the background music is the Ward music disk


The ending was just so satisfying bc after so much pain you finally did it. And if you actually did that in real life it would be kinda sad bc you will die alone and you will always be sad and bored. Good thing that is a game


Mobs are extremely intelligent
Previous video: but the death is stupid...


I don't know who this guy is, i don't know how he made it in my recommendations but i love his content


This dude's underrated, we need to help him gain more views and subs


The video: Pure Chaos
The music:🥰



Gundam writers when they're halfway through the series and it hasn't gone to space yet


This guy has the most iconic minecraft voice monologue

Edit: this is most likes I've ever had plus he does need a little more emotion in his voice tbh
Editing got rid of the heart, big oof


"All mobs are intelligent and powerful"
Proceeds to show a clip of a zombie suicide bombing


You should try beating this in hardcore with a few differences.
1. No over powered creepers and skeletons.
2. You start with a sapling
3. You start with 8 cooked beef
4. You start with 16 oak logs
5. Reduce mob spawning rates by 15
5. Reduce the chance for mobs to spawn with special abilities