
'Hate speech' is code for "anything you say that I dont like."  That's what makes this such a dangerous precedent. Once we go down that road, it's all over.


1984 was a cautionary tale!!! NOT A HOW-TO MANUAL!!!

Why can't anybody see this?


Justin T. Is a coward


No, Freedom of Speech should be preserved at all costs. JK Rowling and Elon Musk are spot on. Truth is what matters. Fact check people, point out bad actors. Free speech for ALL.


Our Founders would be ashamed of us.


Lol the British thinking they have freedom of speech.


Anybody who values  Free speech should oppose this at every point,


So in canada, killing someone and saying something the political elites don't like carry the same penalty.  I'm sure this will have zero negative consequences.


I went to see Donald Trump Jr. speak on this topic in Toronto last Friday. He was there with Ezra, Viva Frei and the very left Glenn Greenwald all speaking against this draconian law. Thank you John for being the voice of freedom.


Someone feels "insulted" and you end up in jail. This is nuts! I hope the US avoids this mess and preserves freedom of speech.


It is absolutely critical that free speech be upheld. It is wild to me that people are in favor of criminalizing anyone they disagree with - they completely overlook the risks.


No free speech "for the other guy". That's exactly the point. Thanks for including examples from the left and the right. This way everyone can check whether they really are in favor of free speech.


Do I agree with everything ever said? No. Do I believe people should be able to say what they want? Yes. Speech is not violence. Speech is how we prevent violence.  If you are not allowing others to speak. You are the evil you claim to hate.


Ezra was prosecuted for writing a non-fiction book.


Rowling is truly the definition of a strong independent woman.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me. That is how speech should be determined.


It’s incredible having been born in the 90’s, then witnessing the increasing evaporation of certain things I assumed I’d always have. Even 10 years ago I would have thought it was insane that simply saying “a man is a man and a woman is a woman” would become a controversial statement.


I'm from Portugal, where for the longest time we don't have absolute free speech, and to see the U.S. House pass laws that inhibit it brings me physical pain. What was once the bastion of liberty is now falling for the same tricks every other country fell for decades ago. I pray that the citizens of the United States wake up and give us something to aspire to be, again.


Big Brother is alive and well within Western society!


Holy cats, the four Pride flags forming a Swastika was genius.  I couldn't stop laughing.