my mom passed away from cancer yesterday & I remembered she was with me on launch day in 2012 for Halo 4. Funny enough, a few months ago when she was about to leave the house for her treatment, she reached out her arm to touch the Halo 4 game which was sticking out of the shelf near the front door. Listening to this calms me and I hope to find peace in my heart.
Setting reminder for premier in 18 hours "Wake me... When you need me"
HALO got me through my divorce. My roommate and I were bored to tears until someone at work said, "hey, you need to check out this new game called: HALO." So right after work we rented (yes, rented) an Xbox from Blockbuster (who remembers those!?) and the game. This was June 2002. We ordered pizza, grabbed a case of Code Red Mountain Dew, and proceeded to play HALO from the time we got it home (about 6PM) until our work alarms went off the next morning. I got a shower, went to work, survived off energy drinks and coffee, got home, took a short nap, and my roommate and I were back on the Xbox. For the next several months we played every level - every difficulty. And then started over. When my kids were old enough, we were playing HALO 3 and ODST. I can still remember nights were my kids and I were trash talking each other during online matches. As a Marine, I was directing my kids where to set up so that we could triangulate effectively. Calling shots. Clearing corners. After a day at the beach, they looked forward to helping make dinner and then spending time seeing who was the better player with the most kills. HALO didn't run our life, but we made it a part of our lives. Fast forward some years later. My kids have all graduated and went off to become adults. My girls through college and my son in the Marines (following my footsteps). As a way for me and my son to spend time with each other - since he's stationed across the country - we both paid for the Master Chief Collection and we STILL play HALO on occasion. Still trash talking and still racking up headshots with the sniper rifle. Up in my loft, the Xbox stays plugged into the big screen TV. I haven't played her in a while since I use my laptop for the MCC. But she sleeps for now. Patiently waiting for the day my grandson is old enough to enjoy the pleasure that is HALO. Long live the Master Chief!
Lets be honest. You're sitting here reminiscing about your past when you were a lot younger, just a handful years shy away from being thrown into the adult life of bills, responsibility, possibly debt, and working full time, saving, and starting a family. The music transports you back some ten to fifteen years ago, exploring the memories that dwell in the deepest parts of your mind. The very feeling of nostalgia and peace consume your mind. You see yourself holding that controller staring into your TV bonding with your close friends in Halo, the endless all nighters with multiplayer yelling over the mic hurling sarcastic insults with your friends, laughing at moments you wouldn't think was possible, and saying goodnight bud, see you tomorrow evening to repeat the night. You realize you never once said to yourself back then, that all this would be gone, these all nighters with a lobby full of close friends would end. You knew at that time the only thing that mattered was spending time with those friends of yours playing your favorite game. The thought of it all ending not once existed. You spent each night you could relaxing and chilling in front of that TV of yours. For some people here lived for that moment, the outside world wasn't a place you were ready for. Your social aptitude filled with anxiety, nervousness, and shyness kept you inside your house. For inside that house, through the Xbox console you could open up and be yourself, free from being judged or looked upon. Remembering how bliss, calm, and carefree happiness those times made you feel. But now you think of it, it suddenly all came to an end didn't it? The Last Online 879 days ago meme really happened. Those days have ended, they disappeared slowly, but to you it ended suddenly you cannot locate that exact moment it ceased. The clouds unravel and you find yourself back here, in this current state of time. For just those five minutes you found peace, dreaming of those times where nothing mattered, and you hold onto those memories forever, realizing you're the last one left here, still living and making ends meet, but holding on to your favorite things such as this franchise because it gets you through your day.
I remember being in Gamestop with my dad and seeing Halo for the first time. I couldnt believe that i could see actual grass. I never looked back.
Halo defined a generation, the original trilogy is a masterpiece and I consider it to be the dawn of the modern gaming renaissance. The first game to really make all aspects of it feel epic like a huge movie production. There wasn’t this “fix it later, ship it now” attitude in games. You had to claw your way to success in the industry but when you did it showed. Gaming, like many aspects of today, has become an impatient business and less of an astounding work of art. Halo set a high benchmark and that is why it will never truly die.
This is the only video I’ve ever “Liked” before I watched it..
SPARTANS AT THE READY!! It’s time to finish the fight. ⚡️
I still remember the moment, all the way back in 2003, when I was 13 and my brother was 11. We said goodbye to our Nintendo64 & hello to an Xbox. Halo was one of the games we were gifted. The second that game booted and you heard that theme it was clear we'd entered a new era. But the memory that lives rent free in my mind, a moment filled with awe and wonder, was the moment (in split-screen) that we left the crashed escape pod on Halo, looked up at the sky and at the continuous view of the ring for the first time. My brother and I played Halo, Halo 2, Halo ODST & Halo 3 together through our childhood and its honestly probably why we have such a good bond. I sometimes long for those days. "Are you running from a grunt!?" I said in disbelief during one session on a heroic difficulty, to which my brother replied nonchalant, "No. I'm strategically relocating." I also remember being obsessed with the game scores and loading them up on my iPod, as not only is the music a masterpiece but I remember the in game moments when I first heard the songs. The last Halo I've played is 4, I tried Halo 5 but didn't feel the same connection. Now-a-days I play Halo MC collection with my husband. We'll sit on the couch & split-screen firefight matches, it's what got us through the COVID-19 lockdowns. It's hard to articulate how a game becomes more than just a game, but all you have to do is look at the comments on this video and you get a very personal glimpse at what that can actually mean.
Man I’m having such a bad year. Bad month. Bad day. This channel has helped me a lot. Thanks for everything, whoever you are.
Whoever comes across this message, may your heart radiate with all the colors that you are. You are a blessing to this earth. I believe in you.❤
These soundtracks are nearly single-handedly the reason I have a degree in music composition.
"Peaceful Orchestral Music" there is nothing peaceful at how I bawl my eyes out at Greatest Journey or Green and Blue.
This channel is so underrated he need more subs for the work he puts out it’s super good
In this dry and bland world, hearing the Halo music makes me see color again. The memories, the emotion of the story, the fantastic characters; it all makes me feel at home again. It makes me feel TRUE joy.
The importance of musical strings that weave that cosmic tapestry to insulate creativity from the desolate void of isolative alienation on a world in conflict. Ambient World is a lens for the ears and hearth for the heavy heart. What is woven here offers peaceful comfort in these trying times.
I have literally never played Halo in my life, but I saw this and was intrigued and needed some ambience for my writing project and I love this, it's amazing. Never heard the Halo scores before, but I'm digging what's here in this compilation
It has been literal decades since I first played Halo and yet so many of the songs of the original soundtrack from CE to Reach still bring tears to my eyes. Truly it is some of the most beautiful and evocative music ever written. ❤
Seamless, timeless, elegant yet destructive physically and emotionally! Take your time Spartan, if you’re reading this, lay your helmet in the sands, unholster your weapon, open your soul and close your eyes, land on your knees and let time sink in, for it’s the only measurable construct! ❤️🫡 You are never alone! 👑