Maybe the real secret was the friends we made along the way
i love the way parrot uses music to make enviorments more emersive, and it's usually kind of subtle, but i've just been paying attention to it and it's really nice
59:39 "thats defintely a parrot shut up" LMAO
this dude can go completely silent for 8 months and then drop a 3 hour long movie out of the blue
bro dropped a 3 HOUR long video on an average friday night
bro casually dropped a movie at 11pm
I really liked the little voice-over explinations you added in between action like "wifis and I didn't have much time but we managed to hatch a plan" that actually helps keep the flow of the video going and it's really well done, nice job! really enjoying these!
You just know bro was holding back laughter when he said “my prized spyglass”
This is a really good video, wow. Such good execution. (Also big fan of whoever made the escape room :P)
Bro's the type of guy to uncover secrets at 4 in the morning
Wifies “ I think we can mine most of this world” Parrot “I think we can’t mine any of this world”
Pillagers in the shape of an arrow being illuminated by a bell is actually such a cool concept I’ve never seen that used like that before
36:22 “You are so close to finding the Secret” The next two an a half hours: 😏
I started this video thinking it was gonna be a normal 20 ish minute video at 11 pm thinking I'd finish it and go to bed. little did I know this man made a whole damn movie and it was gonna take me multiple days to get through it. Great video parrot, and good luck saving wifies.
I just discovered you and Wifies yesterday and I'm hooked to the long adventures. The proton prison was my first video and instantly loved it. I'm on this one and I love the adventure aspect of finding something secret, along with shady characters coming after you. Keep it up Parrot!
This is how parrot's villain arc began
Spoke made Parrot go into his Villain Arc.
bro yapped for 3 HOURS straight and STILL got my attention
10/10 video I find it funny in the scripting where Wifies just has another chirp disc without any reason or explanation and then after presumably following the turtle (despite not being how the eggs work) they just know exactly where the structure is and fly there 10/10 plot convenience, made me laugh