
8:55 was the best moment of the video. legend of the guff


The best player to never do it 🔥


This is amazing


That player that jumped of the bridge is a true legend. respect


Truly a masterpiece


I am honored that I sat here quietly for 22 minutes to see how you sat still for 2 months. Thank you LazarBeam


Lazarbeam is the only person able to make a entertaining 22minute video without even moving 😂


the fact that the Guff was more than willing to sit in a tree to play chess is amazing, even if they didn't have to


“Killing my self is clearly the best option” is one of the most clip able lazarbeam quotes


making a 20 min video where you purposely dont play a game and it still being entertaining is crazy


“I won without moving” is one of my favorite Lazarbeam videos ever, and now it gets a sequel? Imcredible


Daily dose of internet is a chill guy watching lazarbeam that is not chill😂😂


Truly the king of memes


Honestly, Lazars dedication to whatever stupid challenge he sets himself is unmatched on Youtube


The perfect sequel to “I won without moving”

Lazarbeam showed great dedication in making this video over these last 2 months; thanks so much for that mate!


Literally anyone after being cyberbullied 14:10


The dedication to do this for 2 months is UNREAL…ha..haha 😂😂


How did you spend chirstmas? lazarbeam: "i just sat in a tree"💀


So… I’ve just watched an old guy playing a game while NOT playing the game for 20 minutes and I was still entertained. This is insane ❤


Respect to the people who didn't kill him and just vibed with him