The video you posted of this 6(ish?) Years ago is why I subscribed and have been watching ever since. Love that you've just developed it and made it even more beautiful!
Total pro. Yeets pick across the studio, smirks, keeps playing. We don’t need another take. Thanks Paul.
Many years ago I was briefly in a standards trio where the singer played cello. We arranged this song so that the cello played the melody at the start of the song, with guitar and electric piano playing the harmony, and then switched the melody to guitar with the cello playing the bass part. You never get tired of this melody and the way it joins up the chords. 🍂
Paul's guitar performance of "Autumn Leaves" is truly mesmerizing, showcasing his talent and passion for music as he breathes new life into this classic piece.
I remember learning Autumn leaves from your channel like 2 or 3 years ago and here we are again another beautiful arrangement. Back in that time I had a drive to learn newer chords and now I try and learn everything by ear in order to find little chords and melodies to add into my own recipes I've come a long way yet I cannot miss your videos
As a Player of 63yrs. And a Teacher for over 25yrs. Watching and Learning from You Makes My Day Complete! Thank You! Paul
My favorite song covered by Eric Clapton is my favorite version . His solos on there are what taught me about guitar
This guitar rendition of "Autumn Leaves" is beautiful and timeless. It's impressive to see how musicians interpret this classic piece. Paul's skill and dedication shine through in every note. 🍂🎸
OMG that beautiful warm tone.
Paul I love you 😭 I’ve kicked up my practice time to at least an hour a day, and I’m joining a band soon as lead guitarist, it’s because of you and videos like this that keep me coming back for more on guitar. Thank you. ❤️
Man, Paul, you're playing has gotten so much better the past year or so. I don't mean that in any backhanded way. You've been a very good player for a long time, but you're at a new level now.
Bar 28-30 reminds of that legendary intro from Blackbird - Alter Bridge. Beautiful arrangement!
Dit is echt oprecht perfectie. Het is de pracht van gitaar, de spanning naar de oplossing. Ik kan het niet verworden hoe lekker ik dit liedje toch wel niet vind klinken!!! Bedankt
Paul, sadly work and responsibilities have prevented me from playing my guitar. I’m inspired,this will get me back. Thank you!
Thank you for this "hommage". I'm french and this song is so beautiful. And when you play it, it is really wonderful.❤
One of my favourite songs ever. I’ve been playing this for years especially the Eric Clapton version
Love these standards lessons, Paul. That they can be as complex or simple as you want makes them so accessible to such a wide skill level is ❤😊 Thank you so much. I've just about got your Funny Valentine lesson under my belt and will definitely be adding this afterwards!
got a paul davids ad before i watched this i wish i could improvise like u, ur a genius