
I can't even lie throughout the recording Ken just kept finding 200 iq strats i never intended for ☠ Mans a menace

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Sipover: I, of course, planned ahead of time and made the bedrock two layers thick
Kenadian: a common rookie mistake indeed


Couple things about Kenadian:
1. He did a video on every crawl glitch in existence
2. Every escape video debunk he’s done he always conserves all his resources


As one of the participants, I can say that this event was a ton of fun! Some of these took a LOT of time though xD Thanks for having me sip!


Sipover: "I trap the best players here."

Ken: "Only the best, but I alone am the honor one."


Gotta love how Ken just decided to not abuse the items he snuck through, only using them because it simply was faster than re-doing the jump stuff to get up again.


Low key boys I was being carried but I enjoyed working with Ken


Can’t wait for Kenadian to debunk this escape room and beat it in 5 seconds


8:51 Taking damage isn't what triggers the pearl stasis chamber. Ken is actually able to break a block from any distance using the "wireless redstone" trick. The damage comes from the pearl landing.


I love that kanadian's identity is basically defined by him glitching to 1-2 block walls


RIP kades 
But seriously, these guys absolutely dominated this. Love seeing Kenadian destroy escape rooms, and watching as Sipover was all "haha you can't escape like that >:D" and Ken being like "Challenge accepted = )" just had me laughing so much. 
I don't know what you expected, bringing him in, but you got what you deserved.


Kenadian's 200 IQ strats carried the team through this escape room, dudes the official minecraft menace


It's crazy how Kenadian still managed to boat through the wall even though it was 2 thick


Cute to see Seawatt and Ken working together. F5 on brothers


ken: "When are you clearing inventories?"
Sipover: "in 1 minute"
ken: drops items in other room
Sipover: W H A T !?


sipover: "kenadian was trying out some whacky boat glitch technique which would usually work but i made these walls too thick for your silly boat strategies ken"

literally kenadian: "i give it a 8/10 for 8oat/10"


I still remember how we struggled in a few of those rooms, but all of them were a great fun :)! Thank you so much for inviting us :)!


21:45 "this is why you need to conserve recourses kids"



And then they realized they could use f5, and it gave them a whole new perspective and was able to escape.


I'm not sure if I'm more impressed by the fact that they managed to figure all of this out and pull it off or just the planning and building of this elaborate escape room. Well done guys! 👏