I watched your channel a lot when I was getting into sneakers… now guns… full circle!
Thanks for the video man!
I picked up one of these JK 45 cal cans. I wanted a do it all can, multiple lengths, and mainly for sporting use. I'm pretty impressed, I can run it on almost everything I own. It's very light especially with a few baffles removed. Some of my other cans sound a bit better, but nothing else is nearly as flexible and easy to run. I have tried direct threads and keymo adapters with it, super useful one to own and my 3rd from JK (CCX and SBSX).
Hey Buddy, I’m learning all I can about suppressors , I will have my first can in a couple days !! The Rugged Alaskan 360 , n I really like this suppressor, but my ignorance I’ve been watching 155-9mm , what you said about the .45 you have me thinking ( still 155 OD !!! Makes sense ) I just subscribed !! From Commy Ct 💥🔫🇺🇸
Been wanting one of JK’s suppressors for so long. That tax stamp cost always deters me from getting one. Not just the price but the principle 😔
Yea that would look really really good on My FNX Tactical but someone else commented that it doesn't work too well with their FNX. Maybe you could dispel the myth? Thanks for the review Tony! Hope all is well!
Wow you didn't shut up even for us to hear the damn suppressor shots, good job!
Hey bro, you can't shoot a 9mm in a 30 cal suppressor, you will destroy it, a 9mm equals 35 caliber, bare minimum you need a 45acp can.
I have the JK 155 VERSAX and it works on everything except my FN X 45 Tactical in which I bought it for. It turns my FN X 45 into a bolt action hand gun.
I like it, we have a couple of their shotgun cans living on keltec ksg's. I wonder about sound comparisons to a Hybrid 46 or 46m.
I was told by JK that 9mm isn’t recommended through their .30 cal 155 Versex
Do you have any videos of using this on the 45/70 without talking over it? I am interested in how it sounds and the sound reduction for the Marlin.
Thanks - but you cannot add any baffles to a suppressor making it longer + JK does not sell additional baffles . But thank you
@2wildGuns If I wanted to use it on my arp could I? Or were you saying the minimum barrel length is 14.5? Just asking before I purchase.
What is the .45 ACP decibel readings?
Can you shoot 6.8 spc
Definitely can’t run 9mm though a 30 cal can
9mm is to big to shoot through a 30 cal silencer
Stop using supersonic ammo on suppressor videos . Pointless