Some people watch podcasts or the news with their breakfast. I personally love it when I wake up to a new Honest outlaw vid to have with my coffee.
Bubba nailing those left handed reloads 😂. Awesome to see his progression from fumbling new shooter to proficient and competant. You can see the confidence in his stance and demeanor. Again, just awesome to see 👍 👌
By all accounts seems like Kimber redid their production line and QC had improved dramatically- Mako, Carbon and KDS9 have all gotten positive reviews, the 2k11 now also, hope it continues.
I’m blown away that the fact that this comes in .45 double stack isn’t being talked about more. I’ve seen a couple reviews on them but not from my favorite gun review guys. Pew view reviewed the 9mm and now you have without much about the .45, can you get one. I’d love to see you or pewview Chris shooting a .45 double stack for a change
I watch firearms videos every day for years. You’re one of the best Chris. You and Hickok. Thanks for the all the info bud.
Respectfully, your aim is so good, you’ve made every firearm look worth buying. You’d have someone second guess buying a Hi-Point over a Staccato.
Dry firing in a safe manner towards a object in a safe place has been the difference for me as a shooter thanks for that tip 💪
Man these comments hating on Kimber hurt I’ve had 2 1911s with no issues got really excited for this video
It's a looker. I had a Kimber Pro CDP II for years. Great gun, never had a malfunction. Only sold it because I now carry a smaller gun with higher capacity.
I found it strange that there was no mention of the external extractor. It is the single biggest difference between this and any other “traditional “ 2011 that I’m aware of it definitely makes a difference in reliability and eliminates the tendency that even some of the really high end builds have of hanging up slightly on the internal ejector of the more more traditional models the slide to frame fit on this is as good as any I have tried and it just effortlessly glides with out that little hitch you normally get at the end of the stroke. I think you are going to see more companies going this route in the future
8:10 You have been 100% right. I purchased the comped 4.25 Prodigy, and immediately fell in love with the 2011 family. I have purchased several since the Prodigy, and this Kimber 2K11 is definitely on the short list of my next purchase.
Unless the Kimbers have greatly improved in their build quality, I will never own another one. They were always great looking 1911s that had hit or miss quality control.
The 2k11 is cool but idk if i could muster up the courage to drop that kind of cash, the KDS9C on the other hand look very appealing. If they brought the KDS9C to CA I'd buy it in a heartbeat, Kimbers been dropping some really cool stuff ever since their micro 9 line up.
Maybe I've just had good luck, but I've owned 4 Kimbers, and they have all run flawlessly. Had some light .45 handloads that the TLE wasn't a big fan of but ate absolutely anything else. The Rapide (9mm), Desert Warrior, and Micro 9 have given me absolutely zero issues, and I've shot the ever-loving shit out of those. Dad and brother also have about 6 Kimbers between them and never any issues. I realize that a sample size of 10 isn't big but some of them were bought during the "bad quality" years and not a problem from them.
I'm not a big Kimber fan, but I love this review. All of your reviews are great. Would really like to see you review the new Fusion XP Pro before I buy one.
I have to say I'm a little disappointed you didn't mention the external extractor. As far as I know, it's the ONLY 1911/2011 that has one and it's kind of a big deal. Great review overall, but I think that's a pretty important mention. Love your videos in general and hope you keep em coming.
My last and only issue ever with my Kimber. They got right on it and back quick, ready to roll
3:26 -- "I'm wearin' these bigass gloves so I'll probably suck" -- proceeds to mag-dump and hit everything.
I have literally been trying to decide between all different 2011’s for months this video might save me right now