I love Yuta getting so much part in this song
엔시티 127 진짜 나의 자부심
yuta's lines were so amazing he really slayed, his voice suits hip-hop+ r&b really well
I like YUTA’s nice voice and HAECHAN’s unique voice. Their voice that can successfully express the sexy and sadness characteristic of R&B.
왔다 올드스쿨의 권위자 127
유타 파트 많아져셔 너무 좋다잉♡
이 레전드가 2일만 연습해서 나올수가 있나.. 심지어 콘서트 준비하면서
HAECHAN AND YUTA CARRIED THIS OMGG this song literally suits yuta sm like omg
유타 목소리가 진짜 노래랑 잘 어울림….
유타 랩도 음색도 미모도 너무 좋아
Yuta’s vocals are just so soulful and smooth… I absolutely love to hear him sing! ❤
the opening being haechan's acapella is something truly mind blowing, i could never be tired of hearing him
슴콘 중 제일 인상깊었던 무대… 잘할 줄은 알았는데 생각보다 더잘함
この曲みたいな大衆受けする曲、新鮮でいい あと、ヘチャンくんは想像通り似合うけど、悠太くんは本当に声質にあってる この系統の曲でデジタルでもいいからカムバして欲しい
유타의 음색을 너무 사랑함
Yuta is the best vocalist