
Awesome Carlos!  Glad you are liking the Cortez reels.   They are phenomenal little reels.  And thank you for all the kind comments eveyrone!


Long time fisherman here with gobs of casting experience with all types of reels and conditions.  If you flip your rod upside down at the end of the cast, the line will flow off of the reel much easier.  When the reel is upright, the line has to "climb" uphill and tends to fall back onto the reel facilitating a bad birds nest.  When the reel is upside down, the line "falls" away from the reel allowing it to flow off of the reel better.  Another benefit is you'll get longer casts. Try it, I know you'll be able to see the difference.


Got me a Cortez 5 and had a little backlash with mono about every cast first time trying it out. Decades ago I used 
Ambassador's  6.5 magged and rarely had a backlash. From seeing this again I'll crank down the spool tensioner until I get fewer backlashes. The spool spins so fast out of the box I have no need to remove the grease it came with yet. Practice, practice, practice until I have fewer backlashes that aren't hard to repair. Like another commentor said, there's nothing sweeter than the sound of a conventional reel on a perfect cast showing your skill from practicing has paid off. I like this little tank and look forward to landing a red fish or blue cat as long as my leg. There's some hundred pound cats in my local lake I'm going to challege this summer.


When I get that perfect cast off a conventional reel it's like pure magic hearing that sound and getting that distance. But, when I cast and something sticks and I break off, it makes me never want to use a conventional reel again. Also When, I'm having to reel in and cast out catfish after catfish with a conventional it makes me question why I use one.


Thanks Carlos, I'm gonna be buying that #5.Maybe two.
You can hear when you're experiencing professional overrun.Great vid.
No matter how long you been throwing revolving spool reels,you will still nest it up.


I have the older version, the red and gray,  I love it. I've caught bull reds big black drums and 3 shark biggest 5 1/2 black tip it's a tank of a real..... have the size 12 reel


seen this reel a few times before over the past couple of years. i would have to say its a best budget reel with a mag control although i did enjoy the penn squall


I have the original version of the Cortez 5CS with the red spool and handle. The reel as been fished hard and caught a lot of big fish and it has never failed me. Biggest fish was a 72 lb yellowfin tuna. Had it full of 65 lb braid and a short 40 lb mono topshot. Had to button down the drag pretty hard and it survived like a champ. I've replaced a couple bearings and replaced the drag washers but that is it. Casts like a dream too.


Just got a Cortez 5 and casted it for the first time today. I've gotta say it was perfect!


No I am tempted to get this reel and pair it with a 10ft OM for a budget rock fishing setup.


There are so many decent reels available nowadays so take your time to research them well & buy as good a quality reel as you
are comfortable buying?  I love spinning reels so I  get a decent reel that takes care of most my fishing styles & then I make sure
to grab an extra spool for it.  A good balanced rod n reel & the reel can be with us a long time UNless you are the Beach Bomber
who helps us to determine the newest stuff.  Good all around family show here..... peace & GB ALL


Nice looking reel. I like the loud clicker!


Shoot i still have mine from like 2010. Mine has anodized red parts on grey body. You want to buy it? I've used it like twice... I've converted to left hand reels and i never use it. I also have a shimano torium 14 that i would part with as well both are right hand reels with under 3 uses each. The reel i agree with you is an awesome reel for the money and loaded with features.


Ur a best bro I just started to get into surf fishing cause of u


Noice advice and reel!   Thanks for info, I'm with ya on reel size and drag, people are crazy on buying a reel for max drag, 15lb is crazy strong drag😅


Love your videos man. Has helped me so much & just got this reel because of you! Do you have a video or can walk me through cleaning out the grease and do you need to re lubricate? Thanks


Always check you spool play in free spool not engaged.  Not a bad reel for the price point.


Hey that's a cool reel Thanx for sharing your experience with us...


Braid on a conventional reel is a brave choice. I've heard and seen to many fingers loosing some length when shit goes wrong


Mainly going for medium size fish and the occasional small shark. The 12 is $40 cheaper than the 5 at the moment. Would you just go for the 12? Was leaning this way but I don’t want to sacrifice too much on distance since I’m only using a 10’ med-heavy