
You can actually repair your weapons by going up to the Rock Octoroks in the Eldin region (near Death Mountain) and dropping your damaged weapon in front of them. When they suck in before normally firing a bomb at you, they'll instead suck in the weapon, chew on it, there will be a little sparkle, and they'll shoot the weapon back at you, fully repaired and with a weapon bonus added or changed. Works for shields, too.

Make sure you save beforehand, in case you get a worse weapon bonus, or do something wrong, or it spits it into lava, etc., and make sure you're blocking when it shoots it back, because the flying weapon/shield can damage you.

Also make sure to kill that Rock Octorok after you're done with it, because you can only do this once with any particular Rock Octorok. It needs to respawn at the Blood Moon for you to be able to use that location's Rock Octorok to do this again.


If you complete Eventide Island and get rid of the three monster camps, the monsters don’t respawn, but the crates do. You can pick up up to 80 arrows depending on some single arrows spawn as x5 occasionally. I’ve never left with less than 50.

Also, as you find shrines and light roots remember that they are connected. If you find a shrine, highlight the position on your map, then change the map to The Depths and Mark that same position. You will actually be making it easy for you to find lightroots later. And if you discover a light root. Check your above ground map to see if you’ve uncovered that shrine, if no shrine is on your hyrule map, Mark the spot above that lightroot


5:16 Do your cooking instead during a Bloodmoon between 11:30 PM and 12:00 AM for 100% chance critical cook and only use one crab instead.


Do these if you want - just remember that it's completely viable to just play the game and discover stuff organically, without worrying about missing out or optimizing.


9:29 alternatively, look for the ruins chunks that fall from the sky. Stand on top and hit recall. You'll get about 3x that height.


9:09 Rocket platform? You get a lot more out of two fans and a steering stick in the depths. A fan face down attached on either side of the steering stick. Lasts a whole lot longer, too. Same cost, but the fans are in every supply stop. Maybe a bit of an energy drain, but definately a better bang for your zonai. As it is reusable and does not break.


Cut grass in the center of the map, cook the restless crickets with a bokoblin horn (skeletons) and youll get stamina bottles faster. So Cook 3 crickets(grasshopper looking things) with 1 horn from a bone enemy or any 1 monster part to make a 85%+ full stamina bar potion on demand as long as you have the ingredients.


"how to have the most fun in this game: go repeat these tasks every two hours" nah bro


Muddlebuds are great for making mobs decimate themselves.
Puffshrooms are great for getting free Sneakstrike damage.
These can be farmed in the depths.

Dazzlefruit instakills skeletons other than Stalnox.


Honestly i just played the game naturally and never had any issues with stamina. The game does a great job of encouraging exploration and giving you relevant stuff to do for you level. The stuff you cant reach at first usually isnt that important at the moment anyway. In central hyrule alone theres enough shrines there to give you a good boostof stamina. offering to the cherry tree to find cves and making sure  you go do the lookout landing early quests quickly will give you the push you need abd id you arent ridiculous with your inventory youll never run out. 

Stamina was much more relevant in the first game. With vehicles you can do so much more with less. Especially if you let the game nudge you a bit at first. I travel a lot on foot as wlell just because i like talking to the npcs and seeing the world. If tou do a healthy mix of all 3 main maps of the game, they will all feed into each other and youll bever be stamina hungry, zonai charge deficient, or thirsting for more battery. 

I never had that problem since i allowed the game to nudge me where ir wabred to. Doing rito first is a good idea. Even if you dont want to do story or depths or sky. Do them all bit by bit. Dont worry about farming or any of that shit. The game is well designed and evwry activity feeds into another one. You will be fine if you just play. I get that neurotic urge to not want to miss anything or do things that have you missing out on something but this game is so synergistic. Just let it take you on an adventure. 

Dont worry about some tall ass mountain or some far off locale you cant reach right at the start. Half the time doing the basic stuff gives you great rewards and it all snowballs from there. My stamina gauge is full and honestly i sont explore much differently. I can just willfully climb shit instead of veing creative now. Zonai powera and devices are much better at exploring this time around.


The thing which i found great in BOTW which i do in this game is having the sensor set to finding treasure. Youll find some awesome stuff in chests in the most obscure places 😊


Easy way to get arrows. Anytime you find a basic crate or barrel, lift it up with ultrahand and let it drop. In most places you can break them without wearing down your weapons. They almost always have arrows. I have 100s of arrows and haven't bought a single one yet.


Going on foot is not terrible, it’s a great way to explore the environment and take your time playing the game. Do not rush this game enjoy every minute of it it took five years to develop don’t try to rush through it.


07:48 I love how your "half-arsed job" is still much better than my superbly-crafted job. Thanks for the tips.


You can walk across grassy fields doing quick spin attacks as you go and get endless Restless Crickets for brewing stamina elixirs. Sometimes hightail lizards and some frogs too.


Especially during the beginning, when you only have one energy cell, it's much better to make simple cars with only 2 wheels instead of 4 because it drains less energy and makes it last longer. The balance is still great (one wheel on each side, not in the front and back like a motorcycle lol), and a bonus is that when you turn off the energy, the car stops immediately due to the momentum shifting the weight to the front, very efficient


I really appreciate that you're emphasizing fun. I went through a custody battle a couple of years ago and even though I tried for the life of me to be able to relate to my boys and get them to talk to me, every effort failed.

Then tears came out, it's like my boys are my boys again. They listen to me, they ask me for advice and my opinion.

Tears saved my relationship with my sons. Thank you for appreciating that fun is the most important quality in any extra curricular activity


14:41  You can actually repair weapons if you have them absorbed by the balloon thingies from death mountain. They'll also add some stat to it as well.


The crabs are Not worth it..,an easier way is just to go out on the grass and cut it and farm crickets…4 crickets and a monster part gives you full stamina refill…a heck of a lot easier then landing and flying just for crabs


If you need to take things apart while using Ultrahand you can shake your controller a bit (if gyro enabled) instead of their stupid wiggle stick requirement.

Why oh why didn't they make one button for attaching and another to detach?