
Can any americans confirm?


No stars given 


That school looking like a 3rd world country so nah. That being said everyone jokes, but the US has the most guns per citizens making them one of the most well armed countries in the world 😂


Yall joke but you really wanna fight a country that grew up in gunfights?


Average Illinois Daycare


Quiet kid vs the school shooter fight


I’ve watched this like five times not knowing it was on loop waiting for someone to d!e😂


It’s insulting to think there would be only one body there. How dare you


How else am o supposed to get to history class🤷‍♂️


Game name pls sir


There a line and you crossed it


These jokes are getting old. Children have been shot. Wouldn’t be so funny if it happened to your citizens, would it?


Its true


Not as much bodies how dare you accuse us with only one