I didn't listen to them enough back then 😮. This is brilliant.
this video is fire for this song...all their stuff is great...i love every one of these albums..
Franks bass is so so great!... love u guys!
This song sounds like it would be playing behind an 80’s movie end credits.
Great job guys!
Yo tengo TODA discografia e importados ufff y tuve el placer de verlos en concierto uffffff GENIAL
Cant say no to 80’s
AMAZING song that rocks hard!
This song actually slaps
Can't you tell there's no Paul, that boy had style x
One of the best songs of the 80's and still is! 👍
Essa é boa demais
Eu amo esta musica
very nice, i like AFOS
LOL at the Waltz scene at 1:56
Nobody was listening anymore by this stage unfortunately
The band will never be the same without Paul Reynolds
The sound and feel is a definite departure from previous AFoS. A lot of the songs here are still ok, it's just got a different vibe. Paul Reynold's guitar was a big part of the Seagulls and they went from New Wave Futurists to Pop/Disco Wave here.