Great to see Mike putting his ego aside and reuniting with the original band.Cant replace the magic the original four guys made.
I met Reno in a pub in Sunderland 11 years ago. I was 26 at the time and he was shocked anyone so young would recognise him. We spent a good few hours chatting. He was with his girlfriend and I was with mine at the time. He bought us all drinks and told us stories of being on tour and playing with the Police. He gave me his autograph which he wrote in lipstick and eyeliner. To say it was a highlight was an understatement, he influenced my guitar playing so much as a teenager and I told him about some relevant bands of the time that used his same echo, delay, distortion sound/technique ie Les Savy Fav. Thanks Paul. You are an underrated guitarist by miles and a lovely dude. To see this band back together means so much to me as Paul, in meeting him, said it was unlikely. One of the best debut albums ever and a look and sound that will last longer than all of us put together. Massively underrated band but that also makes them so special. x
Paul is quiet and unassuming while the others big it up, but he was the one who made their sound. Without him on guitar they wouldn't have been nearly as big. An under-appreciated creative genius, all the best to you Paul!
Still remember walking out of the shopping mall with their first cassette in my bag at 11 years old. Please take me back to those days :(
I can’t wait, I love your music! I I’m 52 and from a small town in the us , Oklahoma. I am an avionics technician for American Airlines.
I recently introduced my 10-year old son to A Flock of Seagulls. I was in a restaurant a few months ago, and over the din of the crowd, I heard Space Age Love Song, and it brought back so many memories for me growing up in the 80's. I bought the Best Of album, and my son asks to listen to it in the car every day.
What a wonderful Era of music!. I was 13 in 83, and what a time! Movies were great, and what a variety of music! And I might say, Flock of seagulls are the sound that defined the 80's.
I waited 17 years between Donna Summer albums. I waited 19 years between Grace Jones albums. I waited 25 years to see Yazoo reconnected. Congratulations guys, 34 years between albums with all four! Can't wait to hear it! CHEERS!
My Mom had Listen on cassette tape and I remember listening to it while riding around in her car when it was new. I told her it was my favorite. My next door neighbor and I would always watch MTV at her place and the music videos for “I Ran,” “ Space Age Love Song” and “Wishing” were unforgettable. I’m looking forward to the new album.
I’m 64 and STILL listen to them along with my other bands from the early 80’s….., ILL NEVER GROW UP
One of the few bands where every member was equally as crucial.. it's crazy. Paul was a genius.. Absolutely genius.
They are old. Which means I am old. However, nothing wrong with growing old, as long as one feels young at heart.
Paul Raynolds! we love you!!!
We are all older physically but we retain that spirit we had during the 80's. Band's like A Flock of Seagulls, Tears for Fears, The Cars, Depeche Mode, and so many more still have a place in our hearts and I appreciate this group continuing to be a player in today's music.
I was in my teens and remember Aurora Borealis was the most futuristic/ethereal sounding word in a song. Paul Reynolds super brilliant and very underrated guitarist I think.. he made the trademark seagull "call" sound with his guitar. Wishing If I Had a Photograph of You the album/CD and MTV was the ultimate A Flock of Seagulls for me.
Looking forward to the new album, great to see the original members together again, the Seagulls music will never die, the Seagulls soar again!!
What I like is still seeing all 4 of these guys together
So glad these gentleman are still around and still playing. This was good music when times were so much better.
I'll never stop listening to you guys, your songs are timeless. Love from Brazil.