Our next target: Uncensor Stellar Blade
Guess Sony couldn't handle a hot cup of Liber-Tea.
Community manager: just refund the game and review bomb Community: review bombs and mass refunds Community manager: Wait not like that Ah another case of be careful what you wish for
I’ll be even more happy once all the DEI and ESG hires at Sony are ousted.
They fuck around and found out we hit them with that Super Earth Eagle Strike.
And now, for Stellar Blade.
Next major order: Free Stellar Blade.
When you vote with your wallets, these companies bend the knee, gotta put these corporations in their place before they destroy everything
The Streisand effect is not one to be messed with.
Holy...I can't believe we did it! 🤯 Nice going us, gaming community, we actually can make things happen.
As i have always stated vote with your wallets, cash is the only language these corporations understand. Not to mention that the excuse of technical reasons and security, was complete bull...t.
I’m surprised Sony actually listened
EA "Sense of pride and accomplishment"
I'm not going back until the devs bragging about being able to ban steam players easier are gone. Second biggest reason I don't want to link my former psn account to steam after security issues I've had
Exactly. They will try again, and if the community managers get to keep their jobs that is a good indication that they still haven't learned their lesson. If you're paying for a piece of entertainment you should have it served to you, no ifs or buts. Arrowhead and sony repaid support with drama and disrespect, remember that.
Right now its still region locked because of Steam. Valve doesn't want to get in a lawsuit. This will soon change
I hope they learned something from this and im also pretty happy that the voice of the people still being heard
Considering that they're apparently buying Paramount for 26 billion I don't think Soiny is in any position to antagonize customers!!!FACT!!!
Do not Change your reviews, Let them permanently know where you stand, as they always gaslight you eventually sooner or later. Remember, Your money decides whether these companies exist or not, You are the one in power. Also : this is exactly why they keep I creasing the difficulty for solo and Delisting comments asking for offline only mode. The answer was Always Sony.