
RIP Paul Harrell


You guys had fun at the range with a $200 gun. Can't beat that


Bought a TH9c about 5 years ago. It was my first gun. Put easily over 4,000 rounds thru it . I can say it never failed once, not once.  That's with the cheapest ammo I could buy. Came with a 17 and 13 round mag. Bought the TH9 a few months ago and got about 200 rounds thru it and all fail free. Big fan, no complaints


If you need it and it works, it's always good.


Finally someone is talking about the TH series.


I now have 2 of the TH9s, 1 G3 and 1 G2C....I LOVE THESE GUNS! 115 grain in the TH9s, 500 rounds each no misfires.


I had a TH9c. I actually liked it. The DA/SA wasn’t hard to get used to. I carried it for a while. It was properly accurate and worked flawlessly for me. My father who has giants hands tried it and really liked it with the 17rd mag/grip sleeve so I gifted it to him. Mine went I dunno just shy of 2 cases of mixed range, weights and self defense ammo no issue. 

It’s his EDC still. It goes bang every time. Fits his gigantic hands with the 17rd mag where it fit me perfectly with the 13 round mag (I have hobbit hands). 

In my sample of 1 it has been a good gun.


I have a thing for budget stuff that works very well for much less. Thanks for doing this review.


I recently bought a GX4 carry and i have to say, its far exceeded my expectations. Yes it was 350 bucks, but it shoots like true compact, and not a "microish" gun. 100% reliable, super comfortable and overall a great value. 
I think Taurus has come a long way, and chances are, if you go G2 or GX youre going to be happy with the purchase.


I like the new format with 3 people shooting: different skills, different perspectives. It makes the presentation more relatable. Good job HO.


I bought my TH9 new about 5 years ago, came with 2 mags, hard case and inter changeable back straps for $215. I have almost 1000 rnds thru it with out any failures what so ever. It's a fantastic gun!


The new range looks very nice. Cannot wait for the future development.


I’m from Brazil and let me tell you- it’s absolutely CRIMINAL what this government does when it comes to owning a gun.

Never mind the ridiculous process you have to go through just to be able to legally buy it, but even the price itself… most people here really don’t make that much money, so imagine spending about $1,600USD on a TH .380 (since .380 and .22lr is all you can own for the first 3 years, then you get “permission” to own .9 and above, including long guns) and you’re only limited to purchasing 4,000 rounds a year.. it just doesn’t make any sense, yet the violence in this country is through the roof

Protect the second amendment at all costs guys. Great video 🇺🇸


Your homeboy is anticipating that recoil way too much


I am very happy to see double action/single action hammer fired pistols making a comeback. Striker fired is fine, but I have always preferred a hammer fired DA/SA or SA. The triggers are normally far superior to striker fired. I definitely include the 1911 in my preferences!


First gun I ever bought, and still own.


I own several 9mm guns. I shoot this gun better than any other gun I own, including my Canik MC9 and S&W shield plus! Safety is also a decocker. And over the last two years of ownership, never had a FTF or FTE


Got 3 of these. They are my stash on magnet guns throughout the house. 
Upgrade them sights lakeline. Upgrade that guide rod assembly lakeline. 
Erratic ejection went away after about 200 rounds and a full disassembly and cleaning. 
Two of the three guns- mag release loosened up with use. One didn't.
For what they are, a 200 gun, they are hands down the best bang for the buck in this category if you upgrade a few things, clean it well and practice with it. 
If you want to eject brass into the next zip code get the TH10!


I spent $1,700 for Beretta 92X Performance that had the same problem as your TH9. Had to send it back to the manufacturer to fix it!!


Your buddy is flinching real bad nearly every shot