
Would you take a special pill to boost your working routine?


To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.


Stop scrolling the comments and get back to your work. 
You have goals, you have a purpose and you’re here for a reason. The world needs you


Limitless movie is one of the best movies "rags to riches" for me. I watch it once a year for the past 3 years, always reminding myself that to achieve something in this life, you really need to have that fire in you lightened up. You don't need a pill for it to ignite, you need strong will, discipline, courage, and few other attributes. The point is, you can achieve anything, if you really go for it, today, not tomorrow, stop wasting time, time is now. It's your life and noone else will change it. Only you can make a change to yourself, your mentality, believes, perspective.

I am currently 22 y/o trying to make it in this vast world of opportunities. I am struggling a lot right now but im fighting each day, im learning more and more, im trying to get as much knowledge as possible while im young. I made some bad decisions in life but because of them i am who i am right now and im grateful for them, because without them, i would still live in a comfrot zone, not giving single fuck about growing as a person, etc. I didn't had hard childhood, it was actually good, comforting, but because of some actions i made it hard for myself right now. And i am repairing it right now as im writing this. I don't regret anything, because without those problems, i would be still the same person in comfort zone. Im abroad of my country making more cash too. All of that to someday start my own company, business, blog or some online businesses or something in crypto space. But first, i need to fix my shit up. Then i can grow and build something for people. Something that i strive for the past years.
This is a note to myself, i just needed to write some things out. If you read through that, i wish you the same - to achieve in this life something that will keep you excited each morning when you wake up. Something that you're passionate about, something, that will make the future more appealing for you. :)

"Per aspera ad astra!"
"Memento Mori"


I think too many people get caught up in the "taking the pill" part of the movie. Idk I look at it from the perspective of an individual that went from a 'loser' to a man women wanted to be with and who men wanted to be around. He was not respected by the woman he loved, his living situation was trash, he didn't garner the respect of his peers, etc. All of that disappeared once he rewired his mind (yes this was done by a pill in the movie) for change. This character in the movie can represent a lot of us out there and so the point is you don't need a magic pill to change your life, we are in control of our minds and at any given moment we can decide that we want better for ourselves. Hope everyone finds the courage to make changes in their life if they are unsatisfied with their situation.


I found this in an ADHD playlist and I literally feel like my mind shut up for once, thank you!!!


There is a God who is holy and loves us very much, we have sinned against that God and need salvation, and Jesus is the answer to the problem. ❤❤❤


To the person reading my comment, I wish you and your family good health and great success!!!


This feeling of immense self control on  sensory organs and thoughts is amazing. I only once experienced this post a traumatic breakup in early 20's in college. I started meditating and working out intensely and in few days suddenly reached "awakened" stage with full consciousness. And believe me I am still trying hard to get back to that state again but its just not that easy....!


Я обожюю цей сет. Ідеально підібрана добірка, що допомагає увімкнути максимальний зум у процес. Дякую.


После того как я включил этот плейслист и начал работать, то я  в своем познании настолько преисполнился, что я как будто бы уже сто триллионов миллиардов лет проживаю на триллионах и триллионах таких же планет, как эта Земля, мне этот мир абсолютно понятен, и я здесь ищу только одного - покоя, умиротворения и вот этой гармонии, от слияния с бесконечно вечным, от созерцания великого фрактального подобия и от вот этого замечательного всеединства существа...


I'm getting married in a week. I am also in the process of building a business right now. Also serving a probation sentence. Also I am a recovering drug addict.
I have so many upcoming expenses and also expectations from a million and one directions. At the moment it's 2:52 am, I can't sleep because of the stress and frustration. I have resolved to take control of my situation and prioritize, organize and plan my life, relationships, business and finances. I am sick and tired of the bills piling up.
This is my declaration that bills of another nature will soon begin to pile up, i.e. I will be rich.
Peace and Goodwill to all who struggle with drug addiction. I hope you all can find freedom from that deadly disease. I will be praying for you.


Your music is a source of solace and, when accompanied by the practices in "30 Days to Reduce Anxiety" by Harper Daniels, it's like finding a hidden treasure of serenity.


Studying for my Certified State Electrician Test. Hope everyone accomplishes their goals! Lets make it happen now


Limitless….. an amazing self awakening movie…. Soundtrack is a Banger 🔥


I've listened to this everyday for a year. Needless to say , my productivity has been through the roof. I hear the track start and I'm in the flow state. Keep up the good work beautiful people reading this. We keep moving , we keep pushing . Go one more today.


This entire playlist did what it was supposed to do! Focused in and got done what I needed to! Deadline met! THANK YOU! 😊


I love this ! I discovered today as I'm always looking for good tunes to add to my novel writing playlist. It adds a much needed ambiance to my way of working when I'm doing writing on my novel. No distractions, just straight up tunes that help your brain when writing .The cool thing is I could play this at a club and everyone would be dancing to it! Thanks for the mind meld music though!


This is a gorgeous playlist for being productive and "in the zone." I love it! Very modern, classy, and not too distracting with a bunch of rhythms and melodies. Awesome job! And thanks so much!


100's of lines of code get chunked out thanks to your music (pretty much every day.)  To increase focus and cognitive abilities dramatically I did exercises that force intense visualization mixed with memorization - for instance multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers completely in your head and keep doing that, once you master it move to 3 x 2 digits and so on. This forces you to focus intensely otherwise you'll loose your place in the multiplication and have to start again!  Because society is now 'fire-hosed' with digital information on a non-stop basis people have dramatically lost their ability to focus! I use large amounts of turmeric mixed in olive oil to trigger rapid healing / cleaning of the brain and a cognitive enhancer, and buy it now in 10lb bags that I use about 1 bag a year. I just turned 51. It works!