
“Astra Miliawhatnow your in the Guard son.”


For the same reason we call them “space marines” instead of “Adeptus Astartes”


I’ve only played 10th edition and I call them imperial guard


Keep your stupid High Gothic for the Ruperts son, yer in da Guard! 🎉


For His Imperial Guard. The Hammer of The Emperor. The indomitable guardsman's spirit will never be broken. For The Emperor and for the Regiment!


We never will.


Lmao I played since 8th instill call them imperial guard.


Been playing since before 2nd. I had a 4000 point Mordian army before most of the folks who currently work at GW were born. Its Imperial Guard.


The Imperial Guard stands strong


I started this hobby a year into 10th edition and I have always called them imperial guard


Best commissar model ever


Love doing this with the guard, space marines, elder, squats, I was there when the old lore was written


Youre in the guard now son.


I just started last year.... I will call them Imperial Guard... it just sounds better.


This is one of the very few things in 40k I'm not bending on. It's Sisters of Battle and Imperial Fucking Guard.


It'll be a cold day in hell when i recognise "drukhari"!


I prefer the Ogryn method of saying "Grut it!" When things sound to complicated really.




Only been with em for 10 proper games but I’ll always call em ‘IMPERIAL GUARD’


Long live the guard!