Completely new to the series (owned World for years never got around to playing it). Started World after HR 70+ in Wilds and yeah Wilds is a lot easier. In World I had to fight low Rank Rathalos a couple times, diablos etc. I’m now fighting Elder Dragons and they’re fairly tough in HR but not insane. I don’t actually think the fights are crazy hard the monsters just hit hard and you can get stun lock combo to cart. I lose a lot by making 1 or 2 mistakes after running circles around the monster for most of the fight. The Seikret in Wilds saved me from would be carts in a game like World. Seems like Wilds just gives you more tools to fight and survive but the monsters are the same making the game easier. Edit: also everyone is saying Wilds is easy but when I Que with randoms against gore or tempered ark people are triple carting a good amount of times 😂.
You need the Team Rocket launch scene, meme for when you launch someone with the blast off the gunlance bang.
Monster Hunter what? Dude, so excited to see your finished minis. They look great!!!
we dont get to move all the time with the left stick only with moves that hold us in place, everything else is right
It's hard to really figure out what is or is not constructive criticism at the point because a lot of the feedback online seems to be from a perspective of wanting the game to fail without actually even giving the game a chance. Personally I'm a first fleeter so I find this game to be very easy but I know more than one person in my personal life who've picked up monster Hunter for the first time and actually do find this game difficult so I don't actually know how to gauge it knowing I have a lot of experience. I enjoyed the story over All and I found many of the new monsters enjoyable to fight but I will say I've played with all weapons at this point and I would like to see more complexity to weapon move sets going forward but they may just be a personal issue.
Heya dude. Love the channel. Open up your device manager and expand all sections. When you hear that chime, one of those devices will disappear and come back. You'll know what it is then
Hey ruri, you should do a reaction to angry joes rapid fire review for Wilds. They were very critical of the game and i would love to see your takes
The game is too easy. World had the perfect balance between quality-of-life improvements and difficulty, whereas Wilds feels like a fast-food version of Monster Hunter. There’s zero preparation required—everything is handed to the hunter. The difficulty is nonexistent, except for Tempered Gore Magala. And don’t even start with the "BuT ThIs Is LoW RaNk" argument—Tempered monsters are not low rank, and they’re still ridiculously easy. And I’m not just asking for more health and damage for monsters—that wouldn’t be enough. The hunter has way too many tools at their disposal. The game needs a complete rework of the wound system, Palicos, and Sekreits, which are overpowered. There’s no point in playing after beating Tempered Magala. There’s no challenge, and farming for armor is unnecessary since the game floods you with rewards from wounds and investigations. The late game is completely ruined. The game is beautiful, and the gameplay is solid, but as a Monster Hunter title, it feels very mediocre. I don’t see myself putting more hours into it anymore—I went back to World and plan to play MHGU instead.
Story was good enough,gameplay is sick.
You know for me its a shame, I do enjoy the game but - Wilds has everything except the important thing for me, no real challenge. I have got 800+ hrs in world and 400+ in rise so you could argue experience counts but I can still go into world and get carted, but not Wilds, I have not used the flare at all, soloed everything up to Gore Magala, and I would say he is about as hard as first meeting Deviljho in world!
I skipped literally everything - I don't even know why people hate Nata - and I still thought the campaign was annoying! If both players like myself (playing MH since 2006) and Paul Tassi thought it was ass, Capcom really screwed up lmao. Anyway, it's all good because I'm loving the game otherwise and will continue to play it for years to come. We really don't need some deep, meaningful reason to kill monsters. They should spend more time/resources leaning into the strengths of the game.
The only problem I have with your difficulty stance is that you don't seem to have a middle ground/compromise. For the game to genuinely improve, we need to be a bit more constructive. I love the old way of difficulty, but a lot of the challenge was due to some obtuseness that did need trimming. I personally feel we should try as constructive as possible.
Commenters when the 12 yo with ptsd doesn't act entirely rational: 😡😡😡
I think the story was overall pretty decent but Nata's lines were written a bit poorly. He just comes across as a bit too whiny and overdramatic, yes even for a 12 year old. I think it might've come across fine if he'd received more actual character development (rather than just exposition) outside of the Arkveld scenes.
Ban hammer came quick 😅😅😅 1:35:12
Campaign was rushed
Campaign is ass. I usually have a lot of patience for a bad or boring story but MH Wilds is one of the very few games I’ve played and just ended up skipping the cutscenes and dialogue at about the halfway point
Let's be honest, the game's a bit too short for 70$ and crap optimization. Luckily the gameplay compensates for all the issues, in my opinion. As for the story, it is bland as hell, it seems like fanfiction and they shouldn't have focused so much on it. I'm sorry but if you're a grown man and actually thought the dialogue was good, then you probably haven't read much, if at all. Writing is hard, if you're gonna go the narrative route, it's better to hire more competent people. The vast majority of players doesn't care and skips most cutscenes. And lastly "you just don't like children" isn't an actual argument, Nata is a badly written character, my fellow dude man, pal. I've two kids, by the way.