
Enoyed ths!😊


Considering the mass extermination of the Bison centuries ago and the population that survived , it’s really incredible to be able to still see them . Enjoyed watching, Thanks Tom πŸ‘




Great video!  Now we know exactly what to expect, my grandkids are going to love this.  Thanks!


Regarding the elk, sometimes there are 20-30 sitting around the ponds or right out in the open.  That's the case for all the animals in the park.  Sometimes they're clustered and out in the open and other times they're tucked away behind trees, culverts, etc.  

It also helps to have a second set of eyes in the car.  What one person misses, another will often pick up.  Be ready to stop and search also.  And if you miss the elk on the way in, try again from the overlook (fence) in the parking lot at the visitors center on your way out.  There is a chance they will have come out during your time in the park.

I only see the bears about one in four visits.  Still a favorite of mine.

The animatronic dinosaurs are a relatively new add and will likely be a popular draw for youngins.

There are a lot of other small attractions in the rough area to include: SAC Museum (a world-class Air and Space Museum with an SR-71 suspended in the lobby), Schramm Park with a small aquarium of native fish and hiking trails and bird watching at certain times of year, Holy Family Shrine (beautiful glass chapel also visible from I-80) with a small stations of the cross walk in the works, Cloisters on the Platte with life size bronze statues for stations of the cross laid out along a beautiful ~.5 mile walkway across the pond from a beautiful religious retreat (generally closed Fri-Sun to accommodate retreat attendees), a few state parks (Mahoney, Schramm, Platte), Lied Bridge which is a walking bridge spanning the Platte River.

For those interested in either of the religious "attractions," they are Catholic run and the influence is there but they are completely open to all denominations and faiths with no proselytizing (spoken as a non-Catholic).  For all these sites just Google them for more information.


There are dinosaurs in this Safari Park?!?


And of course they got the sneaky goaty goats πŸ˜… awesome place Tom!!!!!!


I miss going to safari parks


Never been through there.


Also Tom I'm planning a trip to Arizona this Spring Break so do you mind giving me an early spoiler of what you plan to do in Arizona if you have already planned out where your going because where you it usually gives me ideas on what to do the places I go because I already know that you plan to go to the Phoenix Zoo and the Reid Park Zoo are there any other Arizona attractions that are in your plans


Great video by you, but the Henry Doorly Zoo has really turned to garbage. They got rid of the big cat complex and the bear canyon and honestly, I don't want to hear the excuse of "space" because those animals had plenty of space, at least in terms of living in a rent-free space. Would not recommend visiting. Literally the most interesting carnivore you will see there is the alligator but I assume you see those driving to work in Florida. Just adding this comment since I saw you complimented the zoo in the beginning. The safari is better but you'll need a really sturdy car


Is it just me or does all the dinosaur stuff seem like a waste of money?