
I have been gunsmithing for over 40 years and this kind of work is a labor of love.  Everybody 'wants' a rifle like this, but few are willing to pay for them.  Thank you for a video that shows people a small portion of the hours that go into building a custom rifle.  People didn't get to see the engraving work, gold inlay or color case hardening process, all additional time.


You sir are not a rifle builder, YOU are an artist that puts his heart into what he builds


Even if you're not a firearm person, the care and craftsmanship on display here is near godlike. Well done!


came for the calibre ... stayed for the workmanship...


This rifle is AMAZING, and who doesn't like checkering.  A lot of folks think that its an easy process until you actually do it.  I have all the tools that I could ever use to do checkering but it is a long process that requires patience, skill, a steady hand and a lot of attention to the details.  You are the master!


I'm not a gun guy... I don't own any I don't want any. Ive shot them and decided they arent for me.
That being said...id literally have this on my wall...any human being that can put so much talent creating anything...whether its a watch...or a rifle at this level of care, detail, and dedication deserves to be praised for creating art. That is what this is.


What makes this even more incredible is you do it all. It is extremely rare to see a single person do the machining, milling, engraving as well as all the stock work .
It takes a good apprentice 4 or 5 years to reach exceptional levels in just one of those areas. 
You are a true master that understands blending old world and new world craftsmanship.
This rifle only needs a fine presentation case.
I collect fine firearms from all over the world. Mainly English doubles. Even some of the oldest firms such as James Purdey & Sons have craftsmen that master in 1 or 2 areas . 
You are a truly rare artist !
It inspires hope in a ever shrinking field of true craftsman.


I'm completely speechless and in total awe of what I've just watched- the craftsmanship (and patience!) blew me away let alone the final result. Any more words fail me. Wow.


Giles O says it all. Plus he is a really good guy. He helped me with a CRF issue on a factory rifle a couple of years ago. He didn’t have to do that. But he took the time and turned it around for me.


If I could afford such a piece, it would be in a secure frame on my wall so I could see it every day. Sorta like the Mona Lisa frame. My hunting buddies would be allowed to see it once a year, on its birthday party.


Absolutely amazing!!; Thanks to a Master Gunsmith / Artist like you, CNC will never replace an skilled craftsman investing so much love, knowledge and experience to obtain such an astonishing Masterpiece. Love the .275 Rigby / 7x57 Mauser classic chambering. 
BTW, contrary to another person's opinion, the music you're using in your awsome videos is great & clear. From my JBL & Sony headphones thru my Altec- Lansing PC's sound system to my Bose & Panasonic H.T., I just obtained a very relaxing & enlightening experience. You must be very proud of the  stunning Custom K98 you so lovingly crafted. I'm pretty sure Herr Paul Mauser is sending you his best!!; Thank you kindly for sharing another great video & God Bless!!👍🇺🇸😊


I couldn't believe how much care went into the checkering and all with single-point tools and no marking out! And then the engine turning on the bolt!
You do get an idea of why hand-built rifles like this are expensive but they really aren't when you see the amount of craftmanship that's involved.


Chances are you saw this by accident and watched the whole thing :)


the amount of work goin into this IS ASTOUNDING!


Absolutely amazing work. Found it very therapeutic to watch


Makes me dream big ! Being a southpaw , I don't often see a left hand rifle , let alone one of such an artistic creation ! This was an almost religious experience , my being at 73 a life long gun enthusiast , mechanic , and of recently a machinist in training , I find myself thinking "I could do that" ! But alas , my ride on this trail is nearing the crest of the hill and into the sunset ! Thanks for presenting a most entertaining reel that in 23:42 my humble opinion , rivals a good John Wayne movie !


These are true skilled craftsmen who are keeping these arts alive--beautiful work!


این مدل اسلحه سازی ترکیبی از چند هنر است صنعتی و سنتی با تکنولوژی روز دنیا باید بوس زد بر این دستان هنر مند میشه ساعت ها نگاه کرد و خسته نشد  همین جور شما استاد که ساعت ها کار میکنید و خسته نمی شوید چون عشق به این هنر دارید  کاش صاحب این اسلحه من بودم میزدم بر دیوار اتاق خواب با نگاه بهش ارام خواب میبرد  درود خدا بر شما استاد هنر مند ❤❤


Amazing craftsmanship, this channel is exactly what the firearms world needs to see.


Oh my god - this is a genuine work of art: it's positively gorgeous!

This was one of the most interesting 45 minutes I've spent on YT in the last month!  This was literally awe-inspiring!