Monty just throwing up his hands at the Time Stop move. Fantastic.
Monty your skills as a story crafter are incredible. Thank you all for sharing your masterpiece of collaborative art with us.
This is the best dnd episode i have ever seen. You guys are absolutely killing it.
It's been too long to wait, but you all deserved a vacation.
Thanks for sacrificing your sanity for our amusement Monty your the best this is the best episode ever
Drakkenforce pull off arguably their slickest operation of all 3 campaigns. Instantly find their allies agreeing with the foe they just crushed. 😅
Great to have you back! Hope yall had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's!
1 epic level character is in super stealth mode inside a city, while another 2 epic level characters ride purple worms to crash into the city . . . . . . what could go wrong?
Monty respects a well used spell tho
Beautiful play in the crypts. I love it when players are creative, smart, and find ways to get around combat. It was expensive resource-wise, and it should be! High cost, high reward, creative playing is peak D&D.
For the algorithm!
I loved the aftertalk include more of it when you have it
"Well, Clarice, have the worms stopped roaring?"
No one expects the drakenforce inquisition
The amount of "welp..." on Monty's face is great
I love that Monty is willing to follow through making the team wonder if they could just be wrong
Happy New Year Dudes, "I am having an absolute blast" is the greatest line of the episode, as once again Kelly, Joe and Jill prove that D&D is the greatest game on the globe. Good to have some Fate back, its been awhile.
Pluto casting: Ignasitious (probably spelled that wrong): um ra la Pluto: la ra um