
Really nice rifle, when I was younger me and my dad would hunt partridge with those rifles


I learned to shoot on my dad’s model 60. Loved that rifle.


10 year old me knew every inch of this rifle. Today, i didnt even recognize it.. good ol times!


My grandfather gave me his when he passed, it's probably the best .22 I own.


My grandpa taught me to shoot with one of these good times 🥲


Looks like my Dad's old Marlin!  He bought it when he was 12 in 1959.  It has a similar 30 rnd tube magazine.  Super fun to shoot.  I'll never scope it though.  Gotta leave it how Dad had it...  🙂


Still have mine, Love you Uncle ,
One of the greatest gifts I ever


some of the best made guns ever


The amount of rounds I’ve shot through one of these w my dad is insane🥺. Jus hearing it ran memories through my head again


Any body here the shot and go “boom digidy”


I have my 600 since I was 14.  60 years old now.  Bought each of my sons one also.  The are great shooters made up some hollow aluminum arrows as speed loaders for them.


cooey....my first ever .22. I miss it


Ive had that same rifle for a few years now. Really great shooter even with open sights.


Good ole 22 never lets you down


Every home should have a .22


I’ve got a Cooey 60 from my grandfather! Love it to pieces and will never get rid of it!


Dad bought a Cooey .22  when I was 10 or 11, enjoyed it for decades.


I love the Cooey 600/60 My dad found one in an abandoned storage locker, gave it to me when I was 12. It was my first rifle and I absolutely loved it, still use it and it still holds a damn good 50 yard group for the thousands of rounds it’s had through it.


I love these old cooeys honestly especially these types of bottom loaders


Gotta love a .22, low recoil, accurate, and if you don't have a big area to shoot you can learn a good bit about bullet drop getting out to 100-150yds.