Turning plushies ”real” 🤪🩷 Mun pehmot heräs eloon!! #cute #funny
Sari Aalto
Turning plushies ”real” 🤪🩷 Mun pehmot heräs eloon!! #cute #funny
Turning balloons into MEGA berries! 🍓🫐🤪 #crybaby
Sari Aalto
Turning balloons into MEGA berries! 🍓🫐🤪 #crybaby
Cyberbullying hurts. Let’s end it together. 🚫 #StopCyberbullying #BeKind
Sari Aalto
Cyberbullying hurts. Let’s end it together. 🚫 #StopCyberbullying #BeKind
THIS CAN’T BE REAL!! Tai no, ei olekaan – AI teki tän! Silti aika siistiä, vai mitä? #lockjaw #trend
Sari Aalto
THIS CAN’T BE REAL!! Tai no, ei olekaan – AI teki tän! Silti aika siistiä, vai mitä? #lockjaw #trend
Just a casual swim with my bestie 🐷  CGI-taikuutta feat. possu✨ #minipig #ai
Sari Aalto
Just a casual swim with my bestie 🐷 CGI-taikuutta feat. possu✨ #minipig #ai
my brothas ✊🔥🦁 mun veljet @jookon @satuseta @suhamatti @JuhoFlow @Seresiltala @vilizu
Sari Aalto
my brothas ✊🔥🦁 mun veljet @jookon @satuseta @suhamatti @JuhoFlow @Seresiltala @vilizu
what did you say ’bout MY DIAPER? 😤🧻 kun VAIPPA pitää vaihtaa #crybaby #lionking @jookon
Sari Aalto
what did you say ’bout MY DIAPER? 😤🧻 kun VAIPPA pitää vaihtaa #crybaby #lionking @jookon
cwybaby is NOT a woach! 😤🪳🍼 #crybaby #cute
Sari Aalto
cwybaby is NOT a woach! 😤🪳🍼 #crybaby #cute
Book Imitation CHALLENGE
Sari Aalto
Book Imitation CHALLENGE
The baby can smell fear 😱 POV: joku ojentaa sulle vauvan #CryBaby @satuseta @vilizu
Sari Aalto
The baby can smell fear 😱 POV: joku ojentaa sulle vauvan #CryBaby @satuseta @vilizu
Behind The Scenes! FYI: my kid VOLUNTEERED for this. 🤣 No kidding.  #greenscreen #vfx #funny
Sari Aalto
Behind The Scenes! FYI: my kid VOLUNTEERED for this. 🤣 No kidding. #greenscreen #vfx #funny
OMG, watch till the end! A soap bubble freezes mid-air and lands back in my hand! ❄️✨
Sari Aalto
OMG, watch till the end! A soap bubble freezes mid-air and lands back in my hand! ❄️✨
Merry Christmas, besties! ❤️❄️ Hyvää Joulua!! w: ​⁠@JokeriPokeriBox
Sari Aalto
Merry Christmas, besties! ❤️❄️ Hyvää Joulua!! w: ​⁠@JokeriPokeriBox
The Santa Claus that went INSANE… 🤭💥  ​w: ⁠@jookon #HolidaysWithYouTube
Sari Aalto
The Santa Claus that went INSANE… 🤭💥 ​w: ⁠@jookon #HolidaysWithYouTube
Living the astronaut taco dream 🌮👩‍🚀 who wants a behind-the-scenes sneak peek?
Sari Aalto
Living the astronaut taco dream 🌮👩‍🚀 who wants a behind-the-scenes sneak peek?
sweet melody, evil strategy 😈🤣 kun kärpänen päättää kostaa w: @jookon #crybaby #funny #mosquito
Sari Aalto
sweet melody, evil strategy 😈🤣 kun kärpänen päättää kostaa w: @jookon #crybaby #funny #mosquito
YOU choose the next twist in the story! Leave a comment! 🤩 MITEN tää jatkuu?? 🎥 #RiseOfThePuppets
Sari Aalto
YOU choose the next twist in the story! Leave a comment! 🤩 MITEN tää jatkuu?? 🎥 #RiseOfThePuppets
Jätä like, jos tää on överein asu Masked Singerissä 💕💩 Tap like if you’re shook by how extra it is
Sari Aalto
Jätä like, jos tää on överein asu Masked Singerissä 💕💩 Tap like if you’re shook by how extra it is
Mä olin Masked Singerin KAKKA!
Sari Aalto
Mä olin Masked Singerin KAKKA!
had to nail those donuts down — joo, naulasin noi munkit pöytään kii! 🔨😂 #clapchallenge
Sari Aalto
had to nail those donuts down — joo, naulasin noi munkit pöytään kii! 🔨😂 #clapchallenge
Oh look you’re here too 👻 Happy Halloween 🕸️🎃 Hauskaa Halloweenia #rapunzel #halloweenwithshorts
Sari Aalto
Oh look you’re here too 👻 Happy Halloween 🕸️🎃 Hauskaa Halloweenia #rapunzel #halloweenwithshorts
Did we just nail the ULTIMATE couple Halloween look? 😱🎃 #couplegoals  #nightmarebeforechristmas
Sari Aalto
Did we just nail the ULTIMATE couple Halloween look? 😱🎃 #couplegoals #nightmarebeforechristmas
Jumpscare alert 🎃👼⚠️ you better give that candy! #trickortreat #crybaby #halloween #funny
Sari Aalto
Jumpscare alert 🎃👼⚠️ you better give that candy! #trickortreat #crybaby #halloween #funny
Behind the scenes! 🎃 watch the result ☝️👻 #halloween #comedy #costume
Sari Aalto
Behind the scenes! 🎃 watch the result ☝️👻 #halloween #comedy #costume
so many cute outfits i couldn’t wear🍣🛠️🥕🍗 niin monta söpöö asuu joit en voinu käyttää #halloween
Sari Aalto
so many cute outfits i couldn’t wear🍣🛠️🥕🍗 niin monta söpöö asuu joit en voinu käyttää #halloween
Spot the mistake! It’s a tough one!  🔍🤔 Löydätkö virheen? #YouTubeCreatorCommunity #emojidance
Sari Aalto
Spot the mistake! It’s a tough one! 🔍🤔 Löydätkö virheen? #YouTubeCreatorCommunity #emojidance
Never say no to chocolate pudding. 🤭 Älä sano ei suklaavanukkaalle. #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
Never say no to chocolate pudding. 🤭 Älä sano ei suklaavanukkaalle. #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Who wins: Christmas or Halloween? 🎄🎃 #NightmareBeforeChristmas #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
Who wins: Christmas or Halloween? 🎄🎃 #NightmareBeforeChristmas #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Chucky & Tiffany calling 😱📞 Meidän viime vuoden Halloween-asut  #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
Chucky & Tiffany calling 😱📞 Meidän viime vuoden Halloween-asut #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
When your ventriloquist dummy secretly takes your phone 😏 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity #jasperthedoll
Sari Aalto
When your ventriloquist dummy secretly takes your phone 😏 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity #jasperthedoll
Happy World Mental Health Day—let’s take care of our minds today! #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
Happy World Mental Health Day—let’s take care of our minds today! #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Tiffany playing with Chucky's heart ❤️‍🩹⚠️ FAKE KNIFE #halloweencostume  #YouTubeShortsCommunity
Sari Aalto
Tiffany playing with Chucky's heart ❤️‍🩹⚠️ FAKE KNIFE #halloweencostume #YouTubeShortsCommunity
CryBaby smashing this trend, and I’m losing it 😂🔥 #crybaby #funny #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
CryBaby smashing this trend, and I’m losing it 😂🔥 #crybaby #funny #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Halloween hack: Sneeze & lose your head! 🎃💀 w: @JokeriPokeriBox  #YouTubeCreatorCommunity ​⁠
Sari Aalto
Halloween hack: Sneeze & lose your head! 🎃💀 w: @JokeriPokeriBox #YouTubeCreatorCommunity ​⁠
The results are pretty magical ✨📸: piggycreative #harrrypotter #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
The results are pretty magical ✨📸: piggycreative #harrrypotter #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
#smilefilter 🥴 Oscar asked me on a date, should I say yes? #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
#smilefilter 🥴 Oscar asked me on a date, should I say yes? #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Who’d love to have us perform, and who’d be scared to tears? 🤪🎂 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
Who’d love to have us perform, and who’d be scared to tears? 🤪🎂 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Ever tried this before? 😍 Ootko kokeillu tätä? #filters #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
Ever tried this before? 😍 Ootko kokeillu tätä? #filters #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
🍳🐔💃🏻 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
🍳🐔💃🏻 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
DIY Glitter Tornado TUTORIAL ✨🌪️ Tee itse glitter-tornado 💙  #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
DIY Glitter Tornado TUTORIAL ✨🌪️ Tee itse glitter-tornado 💙 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
one bite too far 💀 vanhemmat jotka syö lastensa karkit #squidgame #funny #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
one bite too far 💀 vanhemmat jotka syö lastensa karkit #squidgame #funny #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
renaissance eyes trend with my ventriloquist dummy 👀 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
renaissance eyes trend with my ventriloquist dummy 👀 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
me trying to eat healthy food 😂🥕 kun yritän syödä terveellisesti #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
me trying to eat healthy food 😂🥕 kun yritän syödä terveellisesti #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Human Ventriloquism 🤣🤐 Elävät vatsastapuhujannuket ✨ #YouTubeShortsCommunity
Sari Aalto
Human Ventriloquism 🤣🤐 Elävät vatsastapuhujannuket ✨ #YouTubeShortsCommunity
What should we wear for Halloween this year? Mitä oltais tänä Halloweenina? #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
What should we wear for Halloween this year? Mitä oltais tänä Halloweenina? #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
cooked up some mummy hot dogs with a little ’magic’ 😏🔮✨ #Halloween #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
cooked up some mummy hot dogs with a little ’magic’ 😏🔮✨ #Halloween #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
TikTok in 2018 😏 TikTok vuonna 2018 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
TikTok in 2018 😏 TikTok vuonna 2018 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Who’s ready for some Halloween magic? 😈✨ Joko odotatte Halloweenia? #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
Who’s ready for some Halloween magic? 😈✨ Joko odotatte Halloweenia? #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
haha ok now let me outta here 😝 noniin, päästäkää mut pois täältä #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
haha ok now let me outta here 😝 noniin, päästäkää mut pois täältä #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
My stomach’s candy limit: REACHED! 🆘😱🍬 Mun maha suuttuu liiast karkist #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
My stomach’s candy limit: REACHED! 🆘😱🍬 Mun maha suuttuu liiast karkist #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
My family 😍 Mun perhe! #thisismyfamily #toystory4 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
My family 😍 Mun perhe! #thisismyfamily #toystory4 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
If only every trip to paradise was this easy! ❄️🌴 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
If only every trip to paradise was this easy! ❄️🌴 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Me in 1995, me now: still just as awkward 😅 nolo sillon, nolo edellen #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
Me in 1995, me now: still just as awkward 😅 nolo sillon, nolo edellen #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
COMMENT one thing you do to prevent climate change ❤️🌏 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
COMMENT one thing you do to prevent climate change ❤️🌏 #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
send this to a friend who needs some chill time with you 📵🥰 #YoutubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
send this to a friend who needs some chill time with you 📵🥰 #YoutubeCreatorCommunity
I couldn't stay serious 🥴 mun pokka petti #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
Sari Aalto
I couldn't stay serious 🥴 mun pokka petti #YouTubeCreatorCommunity
On-Cam☀️vs. Off-Cam 📷🌜Täydellinen perhe somessa vs. todellisuudessa 🧸💞 @jookon
Sari Aalto
On-Cam☀️vs. Off-Cam 📷🌜Täydellinen perhe somessa vs. todellisuudessa 🧸💞 @jookon
What if filters worked in real life? Spoiler: They do! 🤪 #AI #aiart
Sari Aalto
What if filters worked in real life? Spoiler: They do! 🤪 #AI #aiart
the crunchiest orange I've ever tasted 🍊 #shorts
Sari Aalto
the crunchiest orange I've ever tasted 🍊 #shorts
Who wore it best? The real us or our AI twins? 🐒🍿 Should we make our own movie?
Sari Aalto
Who wore it best? The real us or our AI twins? 🐒🍿 Should we make our own movie?
Whatever Veruca says… 😏 Mitä vaan Veruca sanoo
Sari Aalto
Whatever Veruca says… 😏 Mitä vaan Veruca sanoo
Kokataan YKSISARVISEN KAKKOJA vaahtokarkista
Sari Aalto
Kokataan YKSISARVISEN KAKKOJA vaahtokarkista
I carried googly eyes in my pocket all summer 🥹  (the stickers were removed after the pics) 📸🍃🌸
Sari Aalto
I carried googly eyes in my pocket all summer 🥹 (the stickers were removed after the pics) 📸🍃🌸
bet he was lowkey hating this 🥴 oskari ei tainnu oikeen tykätä täst
Sari Aalto
bet he was lowkey hating this 🥴 oskari ei tainnu oikeen tykätä täst
Aatu-vauva vs. Suomen PARAS taikuri – Naurata tai HÄVIÄ
Sari Aalto
Aatu-vauva vs. Suomen PARAS taikuri – Naurata tai HÄVIÄ
Want more? Comment PART 3! 😱 Haluutko lisää? Kommentoi PART 3
Sari Aalto
Want more? Comment PART 3! 😱 Haluutko lisää? Kommentoi PART 3
5 million reasons to smile with this cake! 🎉🍰 (Ignore the black frosting on my teeth!)
Sari Aalto
5 million reasons to smile with this cake! 🎉🍰 (Ignore the black frosting on my teeth!)
Get Outside & Connect with Nature  🌿✨ Tää on sun merkki mennä luontoon
Sari Aalto
Get Outside & Connect with Nature 🌿✨ Tää on sun merkki mennä luontoon
HIDE THE GRANDPAS FROM GRANNY! 🔥👵🏻 piilottakaa teidän papat, mummu on irti
Sari Aalto
HIDE THE GRANDPAS FROM GRANNY! 🔥👵🏻 piilottakaa teidän papat, mummu on irti
Fam reveal: he is basically Toy Story royalty 👑
Sari Aalto
Fam reveal: he is basically Toy Story royalty 👑
The Best Friendship in Stranger Things 💕
Sari Aalto
The Best Friendship in Stranger Things 💕
REAL OR FAKE? 🤔 Testing my ventriloquist dolls! @jookon
Sari Aalto
REAL OR FAKE? 🤔 Testing my ventriloquist dolls! @jookon
The Rasmus joined me with this trend and it was epic! 😭😭 Tein tän trendin The Rasmuksen kaa! 🎸
Sari Aalto
The Rasmus joined me with this trend and it was epic! 😭😭 Tein tän trendin The Rasmuksen kaa! 🎸
Baby won't eat: how far will Mom go? 😭🍼 Kun yrität syöttää vauvaa, mut päädyt tekeen nukkeshown.
Sari Aalto
Baby won't eat: how far will Mom go? 😭🍼 Kun yrität syöttää vauvaa, mut päädyt tekeen nukkeshown.
my drawing comes to life and sings! 😱🩷 #magic #funny
Sari Aalto
my drawing comes to life and sings! 😱🩷 #magic #funny
My Ventriloquist Dummy Hates Me 😱🆘
Sari Aalto
My Ventriloquist Dummy Hates Me 😱🆘
I baked a pie, but my tummy yelled, "Diet!" I refuse! 🍰😆 #DietDrama #funny #shorts
Sari Aalto
I baked a pie, but my tummy yelled, "Diet!" I refuse! 🍰😆 #DietDrama #funny #shorts
My Emotional Support Animal is a CRYING BABY! #crybaby #cute #funny
Sari Aalto
My Emotional Support Animal is a CRYING BABY! #crybaby #cute #funny
Revealed: both my puppet and I are cyborgs!  🤖🤐 #trendingonshorts
Sari Aalto
Revealed: both my puppet and I are cyborgs! 🤖🤐 #trendingonshorts
This Ventriloquist Dummy Comes ALIVE When No One's Watching... 😱
Sari Aalto
This Ventriloquist Dummy Comes ALIVE When No One's Watching... 😱
Rude much!? 😤 audio by: @AwkwardPuppets #ventriloquist
Sari Aalto
Rude much!? 😤 audio by: @AwkwardPuppets #ventriloquist
POV: It's 2070, and chimpanzees dream of trees at the Wildlife Rescue Centre. 🌳💔😭
Sari Aalto
POV: It's 2070, and chimpanzees dream of trees at the Wildlife Rescue Centre. 🌳💔😭
Onko sulla huolia, mut ei ketään kenelle puhua? 😢 Apuu.fi -chat auttaa ilmaiseksi. @SOSLapsikyla
Sari Aalto
Onko sulla huolia, mut ei ketään kenelle puhua? 😢 Apuu.fi -chat auttaa ilmaiseksi. @SOSLapsikyla
who remembers this song? 🐶🦁🐵🐸 drop ANIMAL EMOJIS only! 🦓
Sari Aalto
who remembers this song? 🐶🦁🐵🐸 drop ANIMAL EMOJIS only! 🦓
Stay hydrated, peeps! 🧜🏻‍♀️☀️ Muistakaa nesteytys! 😎
Sari Aalto
Stay hydrated, peeps! 🧜🏻‍♀️☀️ Muistakaa nesteytys! 😎
🎡 Prize wheel spinning! Which puppet won? 🤔 Watch and comment! 🧸✨
Sari Aalto
🎡 Prize wheel spinning! Which puppet won? 🤔 Watch and comment! 🧸✨
bruh i can’t breathe 🤣💦
Sari Aalto
bruh i can’t breathe 🤣💦
clown check 🤡✅
Sari Aalto
clown check 🤡✅
Which Disney movie would you visit for a day? Let me know! 🌎🏰 Missä Disney-leffas haluisit käydä?
Sari Aalto
Which Disney movie would you visit for a day? Let me know! 🌎🏰 Missä Disney-leffas haluisit käydä?
Everybody's got a fear of something... 😜 kaikki me pelätään jotain. #ventriloquistdummy #simpsons
Sari Aalto
Everybody's got a fear of something... 😜 kaikki me pelätään jotain. #ventriloquistdummy #simpsons
karma strikes back after balloon mishap 🤣🤣 #crybaby
Sari Aalto
karma strikes back after balloon mishap 🤣🤣 #crybaby
YouTube Allstars champion 2024, baby 🏆 @RoniBack @NikojaSanttu #icehockey #finland
Sari Aalto
YouTube Allstars champion 2024, baby 🏆 @RoniBack @NikojaSanttu #icehockey #finland
😂 Loved making this! What’s the next animal you guys wanna see? Minkä eläimen teen seuraavaks?
Sari Aalto
😂 Loved making this! What’s the next animal you guys wanna see? Minkä eläimen teen seuraavaks?
winter hasn’t got the memo to leave 🌸🥺 SUOMEN KEVÄT 🥶😭
Sari Aalto
winter hasn’t got the memo to leave 🌸🥺 SUOMEN KEVÄT 🥶😭
You're spinning me around 😱💕❤️  I almost dropped his head 😭 PÄÄ MEINAS TIPPUA #TrendingOnShorts
Sari Aalto
You're spinning me around 😱💕❤️ I almost dropped his head 😭 PÄÄ MEINAS TIPPUA #TrendingOnShorts
POV: that one monkey with 20M likes 🙄🙈 Se yks apina jolla on 20M likee w: @nuppipaa
Sari Aalto
POV: that one monkey with 20M likes 🙄🙈 Se yks apina jolla on 20M likee w: @nuppipaa
the last one is kinda creepy 😅 toi vika on aika creepy
Sari Aalto
the last one is kinda creepy 😅 toi vika on aika creepy
if we were cartoon characters 🎨✍️ jos me oltais piirroshahmoja
Sari Aalto
if we were cartoon characters 🎨✍️ jos me oltais piirroshahmoja
Is this the PERFECT Illusion? 🤯🔮
Sari Aalto
Is this the PERFECT Illusion? 🤯🔮
Dad's Mind-Blowing Magic Trick Will Leave You Speechless! 😭😍
Sari Aalto
Dad's Mind-Blowing Magic Trick Will Leave You Speechless! 😭😍