Enjoying my freedom while I still can #medicalstudent  #medicalschoollife  #medschool #medicalhumor
Jamie Francisco
Enjoying my freedom while I still can #medicalstudent #medicalschoollife #medschool #medicalhumor
A realistic winter break for a 25 y/o medical student
Jamie Francisco
A realistic winter break for a 25 y/o medical student
Cafe study vlog #medicalstudents #cafestudy #studywithme #medicalschool #study #studymotivation
Jamie Francisco
Cafe study vlog #medicalstudents #cafestudy #studywithme #medicalschool #study #studymotivation
Step question of the day‼️ #medicalstudents #medicalschool #usmle #step1 #medicalfacts
Jamie Francisco
Step question of the day‼️ #medicalstudents #medicalschool #usmle #step1 #medicalfacts
Medical facts in 1 min: Kissing disease #medicalfacts #medicalstudents #medicalschool #college
Jamie Francisco
Medical facts in 1 min: Kissing disease #medicalfacts #medicalstudents #medicalschool #college
I need to work on my stamina #medicalstudents #medschool #medicalhumor #osce #medicalschoolmemes
Jamie Francisco
I need to work on my stamina #medicalstudents #medschool #medicalhumor #osce #medicalschoolmemes
Medstudents during summer break #medicalstudents #medschool #medicine #research #medicalhumor
Jamie Francisco
Medstudents during summer break #medicalstudents #medschool #medicine #research #medicalhumor
Psych block is making us self diagnose ourselves 😂 #medicalstudents #medschool #medicalhumor
Jamie Francisco
Psych block is making us self diagnose ourselves 😂 #medicalstudents #medschool #medicalhumor
Lets continue to fight for our rights together!
Jamie Francisco
Lets continue to fight for our rights together!
What do medical students do during summer!? | Research at Vanderbilt| Workout| Living alone
Jamie Francisco
What do medical students do during summer!? | Research at Vanderbilt| Workout| Living alone
Living alone vlog | First week of semester 2 medical school
Jamie Francisco
Living alone vlog | First week of semester 2 medical school
week in my life as a medical student | Exam Week
Jamie Francisco
week in my life as a medical student | Exam Week
Living alone as a medial student | Moving to another apartment
Jamie Francisco
Living alone as a medial student | Moving to another apartment
Living alone Diaries | Life as a medical student on break
Jamie Francisco
Living alone Diaries | Life as a medical student on break
Week in my life as a medical student: Medical School Orientation Week!
Jamie Francisco
Week in my life as a medical student: Medical School Orientation Week!
I got into medical school and need to move across the country?!
Jamie Francisco
I got into medical school and need to move across the country?!
How to get over the Monday slump | ***will motivate you! Workout, study, cafe vlog
Jamie Francisco
How to get over the Monday slump | ***will motivate you! Workout, study, cafe vlog
Week in the Life of a STEM girl | Post-grad life EP. 1
Jamie Francisco
Week in the Life of a STEM girl | Post-grad life EP. 1
STUDY VLOG| Week in my life as a Medical Master's Student | Will motivate you to study!
Jamie Francisco
STUDY VLOG| Week in my life as a Medical Master's Student | Will motivate you to study!
My 6 am Morning Routine | Premed, dog mom, workout, post grad life
Jamie Francisco
My 6 am Morning Routine | Premed, dog mom, workout, post grad life
Dear Dad, I love you. Dedicated to Rolando Cruz Francisco.
Jamie Francisco
Dear Dad, I love you. Dedicated to Rolando Cruz Francisco.
Week In My Life As A Full Time Scribe And Student during the pandemic | UC Irvine
Jamie Francisco
Week In My Life As A Full Time Scribe And Student during the pandemic | UC Irvine
I trained like a Kpop trainee for a week and lost weight!? | BTS
Jamie Francisco
I trained like a Kpop trainee for a week and lost weight!? | BTS
How to be productive as a college student in quarantine | pre-med at UC Irvine
Jamie Francisco
How to be productive as a college student in quarantine | pre-med at UC Irvine
College Week In My Life: Thanksgiving, Black Friday, mukbang *car breaks down
Jamie Francisco
College Week In My Life: Thanksgiving, Black Friday, mukbang *car breaks down
Pre Med Student At UC Irvine | How To Balance Research/work/dance/internship **sleep deprived
Jamie Francisco
Pre Med Student At UC Irvine | How To Balance Research/work/dance/internship **sleep deprived
Get ready for Hawaii with me/a break from UC Irvine college life
Jamie Francisco
Get ready for Hawaii with me/a break from UC Irvine college life
College week in my life as a Pre-med at UC Irvine | Midterm season, beach, study with me
Jamie Francisco
College week in my life as a Pre-med at UC Irvine | Midterm season, beach, study with me
College tips for incoming freshmen | UC Irvine, CSU, Community college
Jamie Francisco
College tips for incoming freshmen | UC Irvine, CSU, Community college
What it is like at a LA dance class and finals week at UCI
Jamie Francisco
What it is like at a LA dance class and finals week at UCI
Life as a college student at UC Irvine
Jamie Francisco
Life as a college student at UC Irvine