上万人收藏过的厨房心动小工具真的好用吗?Is the kitchen artifact collected by tens of thousands of people useful | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
上万人收藏过的厨房心动小工具真的好用吗?Is the kitchen artifact collected by tens of thousands of people useful | 曼食慢语
Lazy Steamed Vegetables 2.0, Get Ready in 2 Hours on Weekends!懒人蒸菜备菜2.0,健康不开火,周末2小时搞定!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Lazy Steamed Vegetables 2.0, Get Ready in 2 Hours on Weekends!懒人蒸菜备菜2.0,健康不开火,周末2小时搞定!| 曼食慢语
Homemade bagel preparation, achieving breakfast freedom in 3 minutes自制贝果备餐,3分钟实现早餐自由!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Homemade bagel preparation, achieving breakfast freedom in 3 minutes自制贝果备餐,3分钟实现早餐自由!| 曼食慢语
Leftover New Year’s Rice Cakes Saved! Unlock Three Amazing Ways to Enjoy Them过年吃不完的年糕有救了!解锁三种神仙吃法
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Leftover New Year’s Rice Cakes Saved! Unlock Three Amazing Ways to Enjoy Them过年吃不完的年糕有救了!解锁三种神仙吃法
Chinese New Year's Eve dinner : effort - saving and impressive!懒人必看的2025年夜饭!省力又超有排面!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Chinese New Year's Eve dinner : effort - saving and impressive!懒人必看的2025年夜饭!省力又超有排面!| 曼食慢语
The centerpiece dish for the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner: simple yet impressive.年夜饭C位压轴菜,简单又惊艳
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The centerpiece dish for the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner: simple yet impressive.年夜饭C位压轴菜,简单又惊艳
Air fryers have so many hidden uses!空气炸锅还有这么多隐藏用法?
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Air fryers have so many hidden uses!空气炸锅还有这么多隐藏用法?
Don't throw the citrus peel, you can make them into Jiuzhi Chenpi!吃完橘子别扔皮!做成九制陈皮简单又好吃!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Don't throw the citrus peel, you can make them into Jiuzhi Chenpi!吃完橘子别扔皮!做成九制陈皮简单又好吃!| 曼食慢语
I can't remember how many noodles I ate in Shanxi!来山西,三天吃了十几碗面都不带重样的
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
I can't remember how many noodles I ate in Shanxi!来山西,三天吃了十几碗面都不带重样的
chestnut tiramisu made by convenience store snacks 只用便利店零食,成功复刻黑白大厨同款提拉米苏  | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
chestnut tiramisu made by convenience store snacks 只用便利店零食,成功复刻黑白大厨同款提拉米苏 | 曼食慢语
2 hours on weekends, complete a week of steaming dishes 懒人蒸菜备菜,健康不用开火,周末2小时搞定 | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
2 hours on weekends, complete a week of steaming dishes 懒人蒸菜备菜,健康不用开火,周末2小时搞定 | 曼食慢语
It took me five years just to find the right oranges…|复刻宋代名菜蟹酿橙,光橙子就找了五年…
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
It took me five years just to find the right oranges…|复刻宋代名菜蟹酿橙,光橙子就找了五年…
High-Quality Breakfast in Three Minutes!The best way to eat a ciabatta sandwich.恰巴塔的神仙吃法!三分钟搞定高质量早餐~
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
High-Quality Breakfast in Three Minutes!The best way to eat a ciabatta sandwich.恰巴塔的神仙吃法!三分钟搞定高质量早餐~
Being the head chef at a school and making hamburgers for 40 children 成为学校厨师长,给40名小朋友做汉堡是什么体验?
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Being the head chef at a school and making hamburgers for 40 children 成为学校厨师长,给40名小朋友做汉堡是什么体验?
Why does the Song Dynasty famous dish Crab Stuffed Orange taste so bad?宋代名菜蟹酿橙为啥不好吃?亲手复刻后我发现……
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Why does the Song Dynasty famous dish Crab Stuffed Orange taste so bad?宋代名菜蟹酿橙为啥不好吃?亲手复刻后我发现……
Why is it so popular? Reviewing the best-selling kitchen organizing tools 凭啥这么火?测评销量最高的厨房收纳神器
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Why is it so popular? Reviewing the best-selling kitchen organizing tools 凭啥这么火?测评销量最高的厨房收纳神器
Why is brioche considered a bread of nobles?布里欧修凭什么是古代贵族面包?做法原来这么简单
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Why is brioche considered a bread of nobles?布里欧修凭什么是古代贵族面包?做法原来这么简单
Homemade Naan Recipe完美复刻印度烤馕,超简单家庭版做法
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Homemade Naan Recipe完美复刻印度烤馕,超简单家庭版做法
The secret recipe for the Thai night market's Thai Basil fried rice|排队三小时的泰国夜市打抛饭,秘方被我破解了!
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The secret recipe for the Thai night market's Thai Basil fried rice|排队三小时的泰国夜市打抛饭,秘方被我破解了!
Indian butter chicken, I've mastered the secret to its deliciousness.最近超火的印度黄油咖喱鸡,好吃的秘诀被我拿捏
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Indian butter chicken, I've mastered the secret to its deliciousness.最近超火的印度黄油咖喱鸡,好吃的秘诀被我拿捏
Homemade Ciabatta No need to remember recipes 懒人版恰巴塔,不用记配方版!
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Homemade Ciabatta No need to remember recipes 懒人版恰巴塔,不用记配方版!
Why is this ordinary sandwich so popular? I cracked the secret recipe平平无奇为啥这么火?台湾顶流三明治秘方被我破解!
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Why is this ordinary sandwich so popular? I cracked the secret recipe平平无奇为啥这么火?台湾顶流三明治秘方被我破解!
Review of popular vegetable cutting tools测评爆款切菜神器,到底是不是智商税?
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Review of popular vegetable cutting tools测评爆款切菜神器,到底是不是智商税?
Recreating the famous British dish Toad in the Hole|英国真的有美食!复刻英国名菜洞中蛤蟆~
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Recreating the famous British dish Toad in the Hole|英国真的有美食!复刻英国名菜洞中蛤蟆~
The top luxury ingredient in Chinese cuisine! Making fried rice with Ganbajun中餐的顶奢食材!用1000元一斤的干巴菌做炒饭
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The top luxury ingredient in Chinese cuisine! Making fried rice with Ganbajun中餐的顶奢食材!用1000元一斤的干巴菌做炒饭
Ordinary flour instantly becomes high gluten flour 普通面粉秒变高筋粉,学会这个魔法轻松搞定 | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Ordinary flour instantly becomes high gluten flour 普通面粉秒变高筋粉,学会这个魔法轻松搞定 | 曼食慢语
Choosing materials is truly important in kitchen renovation|装了4个厨房的人生建议!学会选材料真的很重要
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Choosing materials is truly important in kitchen renovation|装了4个厨房的人生建议!学会选材料真的很重要
What did the lychee wine loved by the Tang Dynasty people look like|1300年前唐朝人爱喝的荔枝酒长啥样?听说还是李白同款~
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
What did the lychee wine loved by the Tang Dynasty people look like|1300年前唐朝人爱喝的荔枝酒长啥样?听说还是李白同款~
Cheese platter with wine, from beginner to advanced 下酒天菜奶酪拼盘,从入门到进阶一次教会 | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Cheese platter with wine, from beginner to advanced 下酒天菜奶酪拼盘,从入门到进阶一次教会 | 曼食慢语
I have mastered the recipe for Japanese famous matcha ice cream.|爱吃苦的进,日本名店抹茶冰淇淋配方被我玩明白了~
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
I have mastered the recipe for Japanese famous matcha ice cream.|爱吃苦的进,日本名店抹茶冰淇淋配方被我玩明白了~
Is the top ranked slide island in Maldives fun?滑梯一秒入海,马尔代夫排名第一的滑梯岛好玩吗?| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Is the top ranked slide island in Maldives fun?滑梯一秒入海,马尔代夫排名第一的滑梯岛好玩吗?| 曼食慢语
The best-selling kitchen storage artifact, regret it after buying it? 销量第一的厨房收纳神器,买完就后悔?| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The best-selling kitchen storage artifact, regret it after buying it? 销量第一的厨房收纳神器,买完就后悔?| 曼食慢语
Fat reducing people's favorite, delicious low calorie mixed rice 减脂人梦中情饭!美味又低卡!原来真的有无痛减脂~ | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Fat reducing people's favorite, delicious low calorie mixed rice 减脂人梦中情饭!美味又低卡!原来真的有无痛减脂~ | 曼食慢语
Oil free yogurt and onion fried chicken 不加1滴油的酸奶洋葱炸鸡,没想到减脂期我吃这么好吧~ | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Oil free yogurt and onion fried chicken 不加1滴油的酸奶洋葱炸鸡,没想到减脂期我吃这么好吧~ | 曼食慢语
The Most Detailed Guide to Making Plum Wine! Foolproof for Beginners|全网最详细的泡梅酒攻略!新手也能零失误
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The Most Detailed Guide to Making Plum Wine! Foolproof for Beginners|全网最详细的泡梅酒攻略!新手也能零失误
Evaluation of  All the Garlic Tools on the Internet 一口气测评全网蒜泥小工具,到底谁是智商税?| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Evaluation of All the Garlic Tools on the Internet 一口气测评全网蒜泥小工具,到底谁是智商税?| 曼食慢语
Making American barbecue in the courtyard 花10个小时烤一块14斤的牛胸肉是什么体验?| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Making American barbecue in the courtyard 花10个小时烤一块14斤的牛胸肉是什么体验?| 曼食慢语
Homemade oyster sauce 用100只生蚝自制蚝油,猜猜我能做出多少蚝油?| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Homemade oyster sauce 用100只生蚝自制蚝油,猜猜我能做出多少蚝油?| 曼食慢语
Michelin-style Spring Goes, Winter Comes Rice米其林餐厅春天吃什么?当然是这碗冬去春来饭| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Michelin-style Spring Goes, Winter Comes Rice米其林餐厅春天吃什么?当然是这碗冬去春来饭| 曼食慢语
Chen Guilin's same style bento 《周处除三害》里的排骨便当也太有食欲了吧!买不到自己复刻一下| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Chen Guilin's same style bento 《周处除三害》里的排骨便当也太有食欲了吧!买不到自己复刻一下| 曼食慢语
Homemade Burrata 自制布拉塔奶酪的秘诀已被我掌握!难道不是有手就会?| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Homemade Burrata 自制布拉塔奶酪的秘诀已被我掌握!难道不是有手就会?| 曼食慢语
Tapioca Sugar Water Zero Fail Tutorial! 木薯糖水零失败教程!我看谁煮木薯还翻车
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Tapioca Sugar Water Zero Fail Tutorial! 木薯糖水零失败教程!我看谁煮木薯还翻车
Century egg and Caraway Wonton 皮蛋和香菜脑袋有福了!一口上头~ | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Century egg and Caraway Wonton 皮蛋和香菜脑袋有福了!一口上头~ | 曼食慢语
What is the difference between coagulants? 吉利丁、琼脂...凝固剂有什么区别?一次讲清!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
What is the difference between coagulants? 吉利丁、琼脂...凝固剂有什么区别?一次讲清!| 曼食慢语
Experience the Royal Islands in the Philippines 在菲律宾的皇家海岛度假,原来皇室玩的这么好~ | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Experience the Royal Islands in the Philippines 在菲律宾的皇家海岛度假,原来皇室玩的这么好~ | 曼食慢语
Recommended New Year dishes,stir-fried fish with rice wine! 年菜必备!10斤大鱼做成的酒糟鱼,亲戚尝一口要打包~| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Recommended New Year dishes,stir-fried fish with rice wine! 年菜必备!10斤大鱼做成的酒糟鱼,亲戚尝一口要打包~| 曼食慢语
About the Reunion Dinner,I have something to say .关于年夜饭,我有话想说 | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
About the Reunion Dinner,I have something to say .关于年夜饭,我有话想说 | 曼食慢语
Have you tried cranberries, a specialty of Heilongjiang 黑龙江特产蔓越莓,不会还有人没吃过吧?| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Have you tried cranberries, a specialty of Heilongjiang 黑龙江特产蔓越莓,不会还有人没吃过吧?| 曼食慢语
What's the taste of Boat King Fried Rice ? Stir fry a plate and try it out |繁花里的船王炒饭到底啥味?在家炒一盘尝尝
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
What's the taste of Boat King Fried Rice ? Stir fry a plate and try it out |繁花里的船王炒饭到底啥味?在家炒一盘尝尝
How to Save a Rusty Iron Skillet|全网征集“报废铁锅”,我到底能不能拯救它?
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
How to Save a Rusty Iron Skillet|全网征集“报废铁锅”,我到底能不能拯救它?
I heard there are private islands in Cambodia, so I came right away 听说柬埔寨有私人海岛?我说来就来了~ | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
I heard there are private islands in Cambodia, so I came right away 听说柬埔寨有私人海岛?我说来就来了~ | 曼食慢语
The difference between natural cheese and processed cheese芝士片怎么选?看这条就够啦!|曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The difference between natural cheese and processed cheese芝士片怎么选?看这条就够啦!|曼食慢语
breakfast dishes for five minutes a day, without repeating the sample早餐备菜!每天5分钟,一月不重样~|曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
breakfast dishes for five minutes a day, without repeating the sample早餐备菜!每天5分钟,一月不重样~|曼食慢语
Exclusive Secret Recipes for Versatile Sauces|拌拖鞋都好吃的万能蘸料,秘方我都公开了
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Exclusive Secret Recipes for Versatile Sauces|拌拖鞋都好吃的万能蘸料,秘方我都公开了
The first family banquet in autumn, hot pot, and some imperial crabs 秋天的第一顿火锅,简单吃点帝王蟹  | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The first family banquet in autumn, hot pot, and some imperial crabs 秋天的第一顿火锅,简单吃点帝王蟹 | 曼食慢语
Science popularization of four types of fat reducing foods|这玩意要是在中国,怕是上不了餐桌……
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Science popularization of four types of fat reducing foods|这玩意要是在中国,怕是上不了餐桌……
Super-sized Mooncake in Mid-autumn Festival|今年中秋,做了一个全家都能吃饱的月饼
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Super-sized Mooncake in Mid-autumn Festival|今年中秋,做了一个全家都能吃饱的月饼
Adding Maotai liquor to coffee ! Will it taste good?用真的飞天茅台兑咖啡,会更好喝吗?
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Adding Maotai liquor to coffee ! Will it taste good?用真的飞天茅台兑咖啡,会更好喝吗?
Recipes for four types of strange sugar water 广东人狂喜的四种“奇葩”糖水,秘方已被我破解!
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Recipes for four types of strange sugar water 广东人狂喜的四种“奇葩”糖水,秘方已被我破解!
Make a vat of American hand-held seafood for a friend's party  给朋友做1米高的美式手抓海鲜桶,吃不完不许走!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Make a vat of American hand-held seafood for a friend's party 给朋友做1米高的美式手抓海鲜桶,吃不完不许走!| 曼食慢语
23:00 is still daytime! You don't need to sleep when traveling in Xinjiang 23点是白天,在新疆旅行真的不用睡觉?
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
23:00 is still daytime! You don't need to sleep when traveling in Xinjiang 23点是白天,在新疆旅行真的不用睡觉?
A tip for homemade ice cream without ice crystals 在家实现gelato自由,快试试我的冰淇淋无冰渣公式!
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
A tip for homemade ice cream without ice crystals 在家实现gelato自由,快试试我的冰淇淋无冰渣公式!
How to pick the best and biggest fruit2分钟教你学会挑报恩水果!
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
How to pick the best and biggest fruit2分钟教你学会挑报恩水果!
复刻最近超火的茉酸奶原来这么简单!| Recreate the most popular avocado milkshake on social media
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
复刻最近超火的茉酸奶原来这么简单!| Recreate the most popular avocado milkshake on social media
Cracking the super hot pinkdrink .火爆欧美的pink drink被我破解了 | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Cracking the super hot pinkdrink .火爆欧美的pink drink被我破解了 | 曼食慢语
Spending 12 hours preparing a buffet for the entire company 花12小时给全公司做自助餐是什么体验?|
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Spending 12 hours preparing a buffet for the entire company 花12小时给全公司做自助餐是什么体验?|
Extra Large Matcha Mochi 比脑袋还大的雪媚老祖,糯叽叽抹茶外皮好过瘾 |
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Extra Large Matcha Mochi 比脑袋还大的雪媚老祖,糯叽叽抹茶外皮好过瘾 |
Crispy Matcha Ice Cream very crispy自制生抹茶脆皮雪糕,听听这脆皮的声音~|曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Crispy Matcha Ice Cream very crispy自制生抹茶脆皮雪糕,听听这脆皮的声音~|曼食慢语
Buckingham Palace Afternoon Tea 把白金汉宫下午茶搬到家里是种什么体验? |曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Buckingham Palace Afternoon Tea 把白金汉宫下午茶搬到家里是种什么体验? |曼食慢语
The original fat loss meal can be so delicious 干饭式减肥!周末2小时搞定一周减脂餐,好吃不胖~ | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The original fat loss meal can be so delicious 干饭式减肥!周末2小时搞定一周减脂餐,好吃不胖~ | 曼食慢语
Why is a dry-aged steak so expensive?店里卖1000的干式熟成牛排,你竟然说它是腊肉!|曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Why is a dry-aged steak so expensive?店里卖1000的干式熟成牛排,你竟然说它是腊肉!|曼食慢语
Egg beaten ice cream 蛋打冰淇淋,真有手就会!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Egg beaten ice cream 蛋打冰淇淋,真有手就会!| 曼食慢语
Bring a food blogger to go camping 露营建议:一定要带个美食博主!|曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Bring a food blogger to go camping 露营建议:一定要带个美食博主!|曼食慢语
10 types of wild vegetables in spring~春日野菜不等人!再不吃只能明年了丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
10 types of wild vegetables in spring~春日野菜不等人!再不吃只能明年了丨曼食慢语
The gathering place for spring is Kunming, isn't it?春天集散地是昆明没错吧?丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The gathering place for spring is Kunming, isn't it?春天集散地是昆明没错吧?丨曼食慢语
Efficiently stocking your fridge after shopping!逛仓储式超市不敢囤货?教你高效搬进冰箱! | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Efficiently stocking your fridge after shopping!逛仓储式超市不敢囤货?教你高效搬进冰箱! | 曼食慢语
How to choose the right flour ?高中低筋面粉分不清?仅需1秒轻松辨别!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
How to choose the right flour ?高中低筋面粉分不清?仅需1秒轻松辨别!| 曼食慢语
NY Perfect Cheese Cookie,Homemade(even better)Recipe!排队买不到的贵妇饼干,终于被我玩明白了!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
NY Perfect Cheese Cookie,Homemade(even better)Recipe!排队买不到的贵妇饼干,终于被我玩明白了!| 曼食慢语
Smooth Rice Noodle Roll,So Easy ! 想学《狂飙》里的肠粉?chatGPT:只能帮你到这了!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Smooth Rice Noodle Roll,So Easy ! 想学《狂飙》里的肠粉?chatGPT:只能帮你到这了!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Fluffy as a cottonball,Souffle Omelette! 煎个鸡蛋而已,有必要这么做作吗?(舒芙蕾欧姆蛋)| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Fluffy as a cottonball,Souffle Omelette! 煎个鸡蛋而已,有必要这么做作吗?(舒芙蕾欧姆蛋)| 曼食慢语
Steamed Pork Slices with Red Bean Paste到底是大肉硬菜还是甜品?甜烧白:你猜! | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Steamed Pork Slices with Red Bean Paste到底是大肉硬菜还是甜品?甜烧白:你猜! | 曼食慢语
Duck Stew with Beer (2.0 version)春节懒人啤酒鸭,做成火锅超暖身! | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Duck Stew with Beer (2.0 version)春节懒人啤酒鸭,做成火锅超暖身! | 曼食慢语
Spanish Tortas de Aceite(Sweet Olive Oil Cracker )茴香也能做饼干?吃了根本停不下来!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Spanish Tortas de Aceite(Sweet Olive Oil Cracker )茴香也能做饼干?吃了根本停不下来!| 曼食慢语
Spanish Garlic Shrimp in 5 min 新年待客镇场菜蒜香虾,5分钟搞定! | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Spanish Garlic Shrimp in 5 min 新年待客镇场菜蒜香虾,5分钟搞定! | 曼食慢语
The Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner of 2023 Year of the Rabbit 天南海北寻乡味,重逢团圆2023年夜饭 |曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner of 2023 Year of the Rabbit 天南海北寻乡味,重逢团圆2023年夜饭 |曼食慢语
Crispy Beef Potstickers 出锅秒光的冰花牛肉锅贴,原来这么简单!  | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Crispy Beef Potstickers 出锅秒光的冰花牛肉锅贴,原来这么简单! | 曼食慢语
Chinese torreya puff:the perfect dessert for Christmas! | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Chinese torreya puff:the perfect dessert for Christmas! | 曼食慢语
网购50袋料理包后,我决定自制! After bought 50 pre-packaged meals , I make my own. | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
网购50袋料理包后,我决定自制! After bought 50 pre-packaged meals , I make my own. | 曼食慢语
Pomegranate Cake : Best cake for Christmas Party 这个卖疯了的石榴蛋糕,我在家复刻一次就成功了!丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Pomegranate Cake : Best cake for Christmas Party 这个卖疯了的石榴蛋糕,我在家复刻一次就成功了!丨曼食慢语
Figure out the usage of all kinds of starch 这么多种淀粉我到底该用哪个啊喂!| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Figure out the usage of all kinds of starch 这么多种淀粉我到底该用哪个啊喂!| 曼食慢语
Easy Mini beef burger: Juicy and flavorful with cheese melt这个迷你牛肉汉堡,会融化~丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Easy Mini beef burger: Juicy and flavorful with cheese melt这个迷你牛肉汉堡,会融化~丨曼食慢语
Best Taiwan restaurant in Shanghai? 上海台湾菜的天花板?老板:不吃撑了不许走| 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
Best Taiwan restaurant in Shanghai? 上海台湾菜的天花板?老板:不吃撑了不许走| 曼食慢语
The most popular chinese breakfast: Egg Stuffed Flatbread!你管这个叫鸡蛋灌饼?丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
The most popular chinese breakfast: Egg Stuffed Flatbread!你管这个叫鸡蛋灌饼?丨曼食慢语
why so popular Bistro in shanghai ? 魔都爆火bistro,是诈骗还是惊艳?丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
why so popular Bistro in shanghai ? 魔都爆火bistro,是诈骗还是惊艳?丨曼食慢语
王饺子:我们家核心技术就这样被你破解了?!Dumpling Wrapper is Stronger this Way | 曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
王饺子:我们家核心技术就这样被你破解了?!Dumpling Wrapper is Stronger this Way | 曼食慢语
3 unique recipes to cook swimming crabs梭子蟹不允许你有眉毛,全部鲜掉!丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
3 unique recipes to cook swimming crabs梭子蟹不允许你有眉毛,全部鲜掉!丨曼食慢语
天花板级别的鲜肉月饼是啥样的?Super tasty puff pstry mooncake with meat inside!(multiple recipes)丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
天花板级别的鲜肉月饼是啥样的?Super tasty puff pstry mooncake with meat inside!(multiple recipes)丨曼食慢语
偷师扬州早茶祖师爷,我甚至进了他们厨房!Amanda's Yangzhou vlog 丨曼游记
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
偷师扬州早茶祖师爷,我甚至进了他们厨房!Amanda's Yangzhou vlog 丨曼游记
一分钟开饭大法!懒人必备灵魂酱料,全都拿去! 5 Simple Sauces for Meal Prep Ideas   丨曼食慢语
曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes
一分钟开饭大法!懒人必备灵魂酱料,全都拿去! 5 Simple Sauces for Meal Prep Ideas 丨曼食慢语