My Little Dark Age – Romanov Family
Mattia von Sigmund
My Little Dark Age – Romanov Family
Media vita (In the midst of life) Crusader Gregorian Chant
Mattia von Sigmund
Media vita (In the midst of life) Crusader Gregorian Chant
Syrian National Anthem - "Guardians of the Homeland" •  Sad Version
Mattia von Sigmund
Syrian National Anthem - "Guardians of the Homeland" • Sad Version
Les Terres Saintes (The Holy Lands) French Crusading & Monarchist Song [FULL VERSION]
Mattia von Sigmund
Les Terres Saintes (The Holy Lands) French Crusading & Monarchist Song [FULL VERSION]
Wien bleibt Wien! (Vienna remains Vienna!) Austrian Military March
Mattia von Sigmund
Wien bleibt Wien! (Vienna remains Vienna!) Austrian Military March
Les Brigands du Roi Louis XVII (The Brigands of King Louis XVII) French Counter-Revolutionary Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Les Brigands du Roi Louis XVII (The Brigands of King Louis XVII) French Counter-Revolutionary Song
Hail to the Chief (1812) American Presidential Anthem
Mattia von Sigmund
Hail to the Chief (1812) American Presidential Anthem
Ty Prosti Menya, Rodnaya (Ты прости меня, родная; Forgive me, my beloved) Russian Folk Cossack Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Ty Prosti Menya, Rodnaya (Ты прости меня, родная; Forgive me, my beloved) Russian Folk Cossack Song
M'en revenant de Sainte-Hélène (1700s) Quebec Folk Song [Restored Audio, HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
M'en revenant de Sainte-Hélène (1700s) Quebec Folk Song [Restored Audio, HQ]
The March of the Siberian Riflemen but its in sync with the Partisan Song's  Instrumental
Mattia von Sigmund
The March of the Siberian Riflemen but its in sync with the Partisan Song's Instrumental
Tourdion (1530) French Renaissance Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Tourdion (1530) French Renaissance Song
Ceddin Deden (March of Forefathers) Turkish Patriotic & War Song • Ottoman Empire  (1299–1922)
Mattia von Sigmund
Ceddin Deden (March of Forefathers) Turkish Patriotic & War Song • Ottoman Empire (1299–1922)
Ceddin Deden (Epic Instrumental Version) Turkish Patriotic & War Song • Ottoman Empire  (1299–1922)
Mattia von Sigmund
Ceddin Deden (Epic Instrumental Version) Turkish Patriotic & War Song • Ottoman Empire (1299–1922)
333 (Trista Tridtsat' Tri; 2023) Russian Artillery Patriotic Song [w/Rus & Eng  Subtitles]
Mattia von Sigmund
333 (Trista Tridtsat' Tri; 2023) Russian Artillery Patriotic Song [w/Rus & Eng Subtitles]
Ese Gran Hombre (That Great Man) Spanish Tribute-Song to Francisco Franco
Mattia von Sigmund
Ese Gran Hombre (That Great Man) Spanish Tribute-Song to Francisco Franco
Drum Bun (Farewell; 1856) Romanian Patriotic Song & Military March
Mattia von Sigmund
Drum Bun (Farewell; 1856) Romanian Patriotic Song & Military March
Canto della Russia Bianca (Song of the White Russia) Italian Version of Polyushko Polye
Mattia von Sigmund
Canto della Russia Bianca (Song of the White Russia) Italian Version of Polyushko Polye
İzmir Marşı (Smyrna March/Izmir March; 1923) Turkish Patriotic War of Indipendece Song [HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
İzmir Marşı (Smyrna March/Izmir March; 1923) Turkish Patriotic War of Indipendece Song [HQ]
The End of the Epopee (Конецъ былины) Russian Monarchist Song about the Abdication of Nicholas II
Mattia von Sigmund
The End of the Epopee (Конецъ былины) Russian Monarchist Song about the Abdication of Nicholas II
Crni Bombarder (The Black Bombers) Serbian Patriotic Song of the 1990s [HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
Crni Bombarder (The Black Bombers) Serbian Patriotic Song of the 1990s [HQ]
The Coronation of Charles III in 360° 8K – 6th May AD 2023
Mattia von Sigmund
The Coronation of Charles III in 360° 8K – 6th May AD 2023
Íslandsklukkur (1800s) Icelandic Folk Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Íslandsklukkur (1800s) Icelandic Folk Song
La Fille Au Cresson (The Watercress Girl) Royalist French Song
Mattia von Sigmund
La Fille Au Cresson (The Watercress Girl) Royalist French Song
Ara Washi no Uta (荒鷲の歌, Song of the Fierce Eagles; 1938) Japanese Imperial Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Ara Washi no Uta (荒鷲の歌, Song of the Fierce Eagles; 1938) Japanese Imperial Patriotic Song
Bój (Battle) Polish Patriotic War Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Bój (Battle) Polish Patriotic War Song
Умираетъ отчизна моя (My Fatherland is Dying; 1917) Russian Monarchist White Army Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Умираетъ отчизна моя (My Fatherland is Dying; 1917) Russian Monarchist White Army Song
Kosovski poklici (Kosovo Cries) Serbian Patriotic Song about Kosovo
Mattia von Sigmund
Kosovski poklici (Kosovo Cries) Serbian Patriotic Song about Kosovo
O Wrześni (About Września) Polish Anti-Germanization Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
O Wrześni (About Września) Polish Anti-Germanization Patriotic Song
Oysya ty oysya (Ойся ты ойся) Russian Folk Song [COSSACK VERSION] HQ w/Eng Subs
Mattia von Sigmund
Oysya ty oysya (Ойся ты ойся) Russian Folk Song [COSSACK VERSION] HQ w/Eng Subs
Bambino Senza Nome (Nameless Child) Italian Anti-abortion Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Bambino Senza Nome (Nameless Child) Italian Anti-abortion Song
Rolandskvadet (The Lay of Roland) Norwegian Folk song [Epic Chorus version]
Mattia von Sigmund
Rolandskvadet (The Lay of Roland) Norwegian Folk song [Epic Chorus version]
Sink the Bismarck (1960) American Song about the Bismarck
Mattia von Sigmund
Sink the Bismarck (1960) American Song about the Bismarck
Inno Patriottico/Imperiale (1800s) Italian version of the Kaiserhymne
Mattia von Sigmund
Inno Patriottico/Imperiale (1800s) Italian version of the Kaiserhymne
Freikorps marschiert In fremdes Land (1919) German Freikorps' Counter-Revolutionary Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Freikorps marschiert In fremdes Land (1919) German Freikorps' Counter-Revolutionary Song
Leliță Săftiță (Madam Săftiţa) Wallachian Folk Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Leliță Săftiță (Madam Săftiţa) Wallachian Folk Song
Kaťuša (Katyusha) Slovak version
Mattia von Sigmund
Kaťuša (Katyusha) Slovak version
Die Wacht am Rhein (1854) German Patriotic Song [RARE VERSION] [w/Eng Subs]
Mattia von Sigmund
Die Wacht am Rhein (1854) German Patriotic Song [RARE VERSION] [w/Eng Subs]
Čo Iran nabâšad tan e man mabâd (If there is no Iran, my body will not be) Iranian Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Čo Iran nabâšad tan e man mabâd (If there is no Iran, my body will not be) Iranian Patriotic Song
Attila March (Attila-induló) Military March • Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1918)
Mattia von Sigmund
Attila March (Attila-induló) Military March • Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1918)
The Foggy Dew (1919) Irish Rebel Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
The Foggy Dew (1919) Irish Rebel Patriotic Song
March of The Siberian Riflemen (Марш сибирских стрелков; 1915) Russian Imperial & Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
March of The Siberian Riflemen (Марш сибирских стрелков; 1915) Russian Imperial & Patriotic Song
Farewell of Slavianka (1912) Russian Patriotic Song [HQ] [w/Eng Subs]
Mattia von Sigmund
Farewell of Slavianka (1912) Russian Patriotic Song [HQ] [w/Eng Subs]
Freikorps voran (1919) German Freikorps' Counter-Revolutionary Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Freikorps voran (1919) German Freikorps' Counter-Revolutionary Song
55 Days at Peking – Song about the Boxer Rebellion [HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
55 Days at Peking – Song about the Boxer Rebellion [HQ]
Panteri (Panthers) Serbian Patriotic Song of the 1990s [HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
Panteri (Panthers) Serbian Patriotic Song of the 1990s [HQ]
La Strasbourgeoise (1870) French Revanchist Song
Mattia von Sigmund
La Strasbourgeoise (1870) French Revanchist Song
Hungarian Dance (1200s) Hungarian Folk Medieval Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Hungarian Dance (1200s) Hungarian Folk Medieval Song
God, Save the Tsar (1833; Боже, Царя храни) Instrumental Version
Mattia von Sigmund
God, Save the Tsar (1833; Боже, Царя храни) Instrumental Version
Iran – Iranian Freedom & Patriotic Achaemenid Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Iran – Iranian Freedom & Patriotic Achaemenid Song
Säkkijärven Polkka (The Säkkijärvi Polka) Finnish Folk Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Säkkijärven Polkka (The Säkkijärvi Polka) Finnish Folk Song
Arise Donbass! (Вставай Донбасс!) Donetsk–Russian Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Arise Donbass! (Вставай Донбасс!) Donetsk–Russian Patriotic Song
God Save the King – National Anthem • United Kingdom (1801–)
Mattia von Sigmund
God Save the King – National Anthem • United Kingdom (1801–)
Take your Trench Coat (Бери шинель) Russian Soviet-era WWII Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Take your Trench Coat (Бери шинель) Russian Soviet-era WWII Song
Patrioticheskaya Pesnya (Patriotic song; 1833) Russian Patriotic Song & National Anthem (1991–2000)
Mattia von Sigmund
Patrioticheskaya Pesnya (Patriotic song; 1833) Russian Patriotic Song & National Anthem (1991–2000)
When Johnny Comes Marching Home (1863) Military March • United States of America (1776–)
Mattia von Sigmund
When Johnny Comes Marching Home (1863) Military March • United States of America (1776–)
Тёмная ночь - Tëmnaja nočʹ (Dark Is the Night; 1943) Russian Patriotic Song [Instrumental, HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
Тёмная ночь - Tëmnaja nočʹ (Dark Is the Night; 1943) Russian Patriotic Song [Instrumental, HQ]
Cavaliere io sarò (Knight I shalt be) Italian Song about Chivalry
Mattia von Sigmund
Cavaliere io sarò (Knight I shalt be) Italian Song about Chivalry
British Patriotic Songs and Marches Medley from The Great War (WW1; 1914 – 1918)
Mattia von Sigmund
British Patriotic Songs and Marches Medley from The Great War (WW1; 1914 – 1918)
God Save the Queen (1745) National Anthem (1837–1901, 1952–2022) • United Kingdom (1801–)
Mattia von Sigmund
God Save the Queen (1745) National Anthem (1837–1901, 1952–2022) • United Kingdom (1801–)
Monsieur D'Elbée (1793) French Counter-Revolutionary Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Monsieur D'Elbée (1793) French Counter-Revolutionary Song
God Save the King (1745) National Anthem (1901–1952, 2022–) • United Kingdom (1801–)
Mattia von Sigmund
God Save the King (1745) National Anthem (1901–1952, 2022–) • United Kingdom (1801–)
Himno de los Tercios (Hymn of the Tercios) Spanish Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Himno de los Tercios (Hymn of the Tercios) Spanish Patriotic Song
The Battle of the Falklands (1982) British Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
The Battle of the Falklands (1982) British Patriotic Song
The Men of Lom at Chegan (Ломци на Чеган; 1917) Bulgarian Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
The Men of Lom at Chegan (Ломци на Чеган; 1917) Bulgarian Patriotic Song
Die Wacht am Rhein (The Watch on the Rhine; 1854) Patriotic March–Song • German Empire (1871–1918)
Mattia von Sigmund
Die Wacht am Rhein (The Watch on the Rhine; 1854) Patriotic March–Song • German Empire (1871–1918)
Oh, Dusya, my Marusya (Ой, Дуся, ой, Маруся) Russian Folk Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Oh, Dusya, my Marusya (Ой, Дуся, ой, Маруся) Russian Folk Song
Heil dir im Siegerkranz & Preußenlied (1795, 1830) National Anthems of Prussia & German Empire
Mattia von Sigmund
Heil dir im Siegerkranz & Preußenlied (1795, 1830) National Anthems of Prussia & German Empire
Victory Remains Young & Victory Day March • Victory Day Special (1945 — 2022)
Mattia von Sigmund
Victory Remains Young & Victory Day March • Victory Day Special (1945 — 2022)
But if you close your eyes: Austria, the Good Ending [MEME]
Mattia von Sigmund
But if you close your eyes: Austria, the Good Ending [MEME]
Farewell of Slavianka (Прощание славянки; 1912) Russian Patriotic Song [Cossack Version] [+Eng Subs]
Mattia von Sigmund
Farewell of Slavianka (Прощание славянки; 1912) Russian Patriotic Song [Cossack Version] [+Eng Subs]
Rákóczi-induló (Rákóczi march; 1819) Military March • Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1918)
Mattia von Sigmund
Rákóczi-induló (Rákóczi march; 1819) Military March • Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1918)
Stava Maria dolente (Stood Mary in Sorrow) Folk-Christian Good Friday song
Mattia von Sigmund
Stava Maria dolente (Stood Mary in Sorrow) Folk-Christian Good Friday song
Farewell of Slavianka (Прощание славянки) Russian/Soviet Patriotic song – 1941
Mattia von Sigmund
Farewell of Slavianka (Прощание славянки) Russian/Soviet Patriotic song – 1941
Marsz Strzelców (March of Shooters) Polish Patriotic Song from the January Uprising
Mattia von Sigmund
Marsz Strzelców (March of Shooters) Polish Patriotic Song from the January Uprising
A Tripoli (In Tripoli; 1911) Italian Patriotic Song about the Italian–Turkish War
Mattia von Sigmund
A Tripoli (In Tripoli; 1911) Italian Patriotic Song about the Italian–Turkish War
A l'Entrada del Temps Clar (At the beginning of the Bright Season) Occitan Medieval–Folk Song
Mattia von Sigmund
A l'Entrada del Temps Clar (At the beginning of the Bright Season) Occitan Medieval–Folk Song
The Best Russian Military Marches – From the Victory Day Parade
Mattia von Sigmund
The Best Russian Military Marches – From the Victory Day Parade
Oj Alija, aljo (Hey, Alija Aljo!) Serbian Patriotic Song of the 1990s [HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
Oj Alija, aljo (Hey, Alija Aljo!) Serbian Patriotic Song of the 1990s [HQ]
I Vow to Thee, My Country (1921) Patriotic Remembrance Hymn • United Kingdom (1801–)
Mattia von Sigmund
I Vow to Thee, My Country (1921) Patriotic Remembrance Hymn • United Kingdom (1801–)
Le Rêve Passe (The Dream Passes) French Napoleonic Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Le Rêve Passe (The Dream Passes) French Napoleonic Patriotic Song
Русь молодая (Young Russia) Russian Patriotic–Folk Song about the Mongol Invasion
Mattia von Sigmund
Русь молодая (Young Russia) Russian Patriotic–Folk Song about the Mongol Invasion
To Serve Russia (Служить России) Russian Army Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
To Serve Russia (Служить России) Russian Army Patriotic Song
Battotai (Rikugun Bunretsu Kōshinkyoku) Military March [RARE VERSION] • Empire of Japan (1868–1947)
Mattia von Sigmund
Battotai (Rikugun Bunretsu Kōshinkyoku) Military March [RARE VERSION] • Empire of Japan (1868–1947)
Toroi Bandi (Toroi the Bandit) Mongolian Folk Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Toroi Bandi (Toroi the Bandit) Mongolian Folk Song
When we were at War (Когда мы были на войне) Russian Folk Song [Cossack version] [w/Eng subs]
Mattia von Sigmund
When we were at War (Когда мы были на войне) Russian Folk Song [Cossack version] [w/Eng subs]
20 Minutes of Papal Military Music
Mattia von Sigmund
20 Minutes of Papal Military Music
The Dublin Fusiliers • Irish Folk–Patriotic & Unionist song
Mattia von Sigmund
The Dublin Fusiliers • Irish Folk–Patriotic & Unionist song
Mattia von Sigmund
Laudate Dominum (Praise the Lord; Psalm 150) Liturgical Catholic Song [Notre-Dame de Paris' Version]
Mattia von Sigmund
Laudate Dominum (Praise the Lord; Psalm 150) Liturgical Catholic Song [Notre-Dame de Paris' Version]
🎌 Yuki no Shingun (The Snow March, 雪の進軍; 1895) Military Song • Empire of Japan (1868–1947) [HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
🎌 Yuki no Shingun (The Snow March, 雪の進軍; 1895) Military Song • Empire of Japan (1868–1947) [HQ]
Radetzky March (Radetzky-Marsch, Op. 228; 1848) Military March • Austrian Empire (1804–1918)
Mattia von Sigmund
Radetzky March (Radetzky-Marsch, Op. 228; 1848) Military March • Austrian Empire (1804–1918)
La Victoire est à Nous (Victory is ours) French Napoleonic Military March–Fanfare [HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
La Victoire est à Nous (Victory is ours) French Napoleonic Military March–Fanfare [HQ]
Fairytale (Eventyr) Norwegian Folk Song in English [PERFECT TEMPO]
Mattia von Sigmund
Fairytale (Eventyr) Norwegian Folk Song in English [PERFECT TEMPO]
Partant pour la Syrie (Leaving for Syria) De Facto Anthem • French Empire (1852–1870)
Mattia von Sigmund
Partant pour la Syrie (Leaving for Syria) De Facto Anthem • French Empire (1852–1870)
W moim ogródecku (In my garden) Polish Folk Song [+Eng sub, HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
W moim ogródecku (In my garden) Polish Folk Song [+Eng sub, HQ]
It’s a Long Way to Mukumbura (1977) Rhodesian Patriotic song [HQ & 4k Footages)
Mattia von Sigmund
It’s a Long Way to Mukumbura (1977) Rhodesian Patriotic song [HQ & 4k Footages)
When we were at War (Когда мы были на войне) Russian Folk-Cossack Song [HQ]
Mattia von Sigmund
When we were at War (Когда мы были на войне) Russian Folk-Cossack Song [HQ]
Všechno, jenom ne slzy (Everything but tears; 1938) Czechoslovakian Patriotic Song
Mattia von Sigmund
Všechno, jenom ne slzy (Everything but tears; 1938) Czechoslovakian Patriotic Song
Vive Henri IV ! (Long live Henry IV!; 1590) Anthem of the Kingdom of France (987 – 1792)
Mattia von Sigmund
Vive Henri IV ! (Long live Henry IV!; 1590) Anthem of the Kingdom of France (987 – 1792)
Badnerlied (Song of the Badners) Patriotic Song • Grand Duchy of Baden  (1806–1918)
Mattia von Sigmund
Badnerlied (Song of the Badners) Patriotic Song • Grand Duchy of Baden (1806–1918)