Ranking Every Movie Song in the Project Sekai Movie (Project Sekai) (350 Sub Special)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Ranking Every Movie Song in the Project Sekai Movie (Project Sekai) (350 Sub Special)
How I think Tsukasa would look in the other units #tsukasa #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #tsukasatenma
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Tsukasa would look in the other units #tsukasa #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #tsukasatenma
How I think Honami would look in the other units #honami #proseka  #pjsekai #pjsk #honamimochizuki
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Honami would look in the other units #honami #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #honamimochizuki
My top 5 favourite characters from pjsk but you can tell I love them all #pjsekai #pjsk #proseka
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
My top 5 favourite characters from pjsk but you can tell I love them all #pjsekai #pjsk #proseka
How I think Ichika would look in the other units #ichika #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #ichikahoshino
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Ichika would look in the other units #ichika #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #ichikahoshino
My Favourite Parts in every current wxs songs except there's a small pattern to it (300 sub special)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
My Favourite Parts in every current wxs songs except there's a small pattern to it (300 sub special)
How I think Kohane would look in the other units #kohane #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #kohaneazusawa
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Kohane would look in the other units #kohane #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #kohaneazusawa
How I think An would look in the other units #an #pjsekai #proseka #pjsk #anshiraishi
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think An would look in the other units #an #pjsekai #proseka #pjsk #anshiraishi
How I think Haruka would look in the other units #haruka #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #harukakiritani
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Haruka would look in the other units #haruka #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #harukakiritani
How I think Kanade would look in the other units #kanade #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #kanadeyoisaki
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Kanade would look in the other units #kanade #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #kanadeyoisaki
How I think Shizuku would look in the other units #shizuku #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #shizukuhinomori
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Shizuku would look in the other units #shizuku #proseka #pjsekai #pjsk #shizukuhinomori
@EmuOtoriWANDAHOI thank you for this opportunity :D #projectsekai #proseka #pjsekai #minoairi
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
@EmuOtoriWANDAHOI thank you for this opportunity :D #projectsekai #proseka #pjsekai #minoairi
How I think Nene would look in the other units #nene #pjsekai #proseka #pjsk #nenekusanagi
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Nene would look in the other units #nene #pjsekai #proseka #pjsk #nenekusanagi
How I think Shiho would look in the other units #shiho #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #shihohinomori
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Shiho would look in the other units #shiho #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #shihohinomori
How I think Saki would look in the other units #saki #pjsk #pjsekai #proseka #sakitenma
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Saki would look in the other units #saki #pjsk #pjsekai #proseka #sakitenma
RUITOYA DUET LINES IN FIRE FLOWER I WIN (all ruitoya duet lines in fire flower)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
RUITOYA DUET LINES IN FIRE FLOWER I WIN (all ruitoya duet lines in fire flower)
Characters that I currently own the most 4☆s of #pjsk #proseka #colorfulstage #pjsekai #vocaloid
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Characters that I currently own the most 4☆s of #pjsk #proseka #colorfulstage #pjsekai #vocaloid
How I think Ena would look in the other units #ena #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #enashinonome
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Ena would look in the other units #ena #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #enashinonome
How I think Emu would look in the other units #emu #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #emuotori
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Emu would look in the other units #emu #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #emuotori
How I think Akito would look in the other units #akito #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #akitoshinonome
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Akito would look in the other units #akito #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #akitoshinonome
How I think Toya would look in the other units #toya #proseka #pjsk #pjsekai #toyaaoyagi
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Toya would look in the other units #toya #proseka #pjsk #pjsekai #toyaaoyagi
How I think Rui would look in the other units #rui #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #ruikamishiro
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Rui would look in the other units #rui #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #ruikamishiro
How I think Airi would look in the other units #airi #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #airimomoi
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Airi would look in the other units #airi #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #airimomoi
How I think Mafuyu would look in the other units #mafuyu #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #mafuyuasahina
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Mafuyu would look in the other units #mafuyu #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #mafuyuasahina
Rui Neso gets headpatted 100 times from over 100 likes on a post #rui #ruikamishiro #pjsk #proseka
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Rui Neso gets headpatted 100 times from over 100 likes on a post #rui #ruikamishiro #pjsk #proseka
How I think Minori would look in the other units #minori #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #minorihanasato
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Minori would look in the other units #minori #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #minorihanasato
How I think Mizuki would look in the other units #mizuki #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #mizukiakiyama
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
How I think Mizuki would look in the other units #mizuki #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #mizukiakiyama
Every KohaToya Duet Line as of Feb 2025 (Project Sekai)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Every KohaToya Duet Line as of Feb 2025 (Project Sekai)
Guess which card I use for my main team (no hints) #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #colorfulstage  #vocaloid
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Guess which card I use for my main team (no hints) #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #colorfulstage #vocaloid
the rare ensekai w on an en exclusive chart #pjsk #proseka #vocaloid #pjsekai #colorfulstage
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
the rare ensekai w on an en exclusive chart #pjsk #proseka #vocaloid #pjsekai #colorfulstage
Every MizuKana Duet Line as of Feb 2025 (Project Sekai)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Every MizuKana Duet Line as of Feb 2025 (Project Sekai)
Doing every spam bit in almost every lvl28 or higher chart part 2 #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #vocaloid
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Doing every spam bit in almost every lvl28 or higher chart part 2 #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #vocaloid
Doing every spam bit in almost every lvl28 or higher chart #pjsk #colorfulstage #proseka #pjsekai
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Doing every spam bit in almost every lvl28 or higher chart #pjsk #colorfulstage #proseka #pjsekai
200 Painful and Horrible Pulls for Sanrio My Melo Airi and Cinna Emu || 60k Crystals ||
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
200 Painful and Horrible Pulls for Sanrio My Melo Airi and Cinna Emu || 60k Crystals ||
Never pulling again after this #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #vocaloid #projectsekaimv #projectsekaiedit
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Never pulling again after this #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #vocaloid #projectsekaimv #projectsekaiedit
Ranking All 2024 Cards That Were Released In Project Sekai
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Ranking All 2024 Cards That Were Released In Project Sekai
I can't be the only one who doesn't mind it right #colorfulstage #pjsk #hatsunemiku #projectsekai
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
I can't be the only one who doesn't mind it right #colorfulstage #pjsk #hatsunemiku #projectsekai
Last video of 2024 #colorfulstage #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #projectsekai #airi #rui #mizuki #minoairi
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Last video of 2024 #colorfulstage #pjsk #proseka #pjsekai #projectsekai #airi #rui #mizuki #minoairi
POV: You're an Airi Fan and this is what sega gives you for 2025 for EN
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
POV: You're an Airi Fan and this is what sega gives you for 2025 for EN
Playing lvl 31 Songs in PJSK for the first time but I don't use healers (200 Sub Special)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Playing lvl 31 Songs in PJSK for the first time but I don't use healers (200 Sub Special)
Ranking Alien Stage Songs as of Dec 2024 (plus showing my favourite parts)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Ranking Alien Stage Songs as of Dec 2024 (plus showing my favourite parts)
It's a good chart to use for it tbh #colorfulstage #proseka #hatsunemiku #pjsk #vocaloid #pjsekai
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
It's a good chart to use for it tbh #colorfulstage #proseka #hatsunemiku #pjsk #vocaloid #pjsekai
please sega an airi perm please 😔🙏 #colorfulstage #proseka #pjsk #airi #airimomoi #projectsekai #mmj
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
please sega an airi perm please 😔🙏 #colorfulstage #proseka #pjsk #airi #airimomoi #projectsekai #mmj
D4DJ 4th Anniversary Pulls (very painful and surprisingly good!?)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
D4DJ 4th Anniversary Pulls (very painful and surprisingly good!?)
Pikman Song but Everything is Replaced with Airi Momoi from Project Sekai (150 Sub Special)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Pikman Song but Everything is Replaced with Airi Momoi from Project Sekai (150 Sub Special)
Showcasing My Main Team in pjsk #projectsekai #colorfulstage #pjsk #proseka #vocaloid #hatsunemiku
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Showcasing My Main Team in pjsk #projectsekai #colorfulstage #pjsk #proseka #vocaloid #hatsunemiku
My Favourite/Least Favourite Comms For Each Unit (Project Sekai)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
My Favourite/Least Favourite Comms For Each Unit (Project Sekai)
Rating Project Sekai Ships That People Requested (100 Sub Special)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Rating Project Sekai Ships That People Requested (100 Sub Special)
MIZUKI'S VOCALS I CAN'T 😨😨 #projectsekaicolorfulstage #proseka #mizuki #mizukiakiyama #pjsk
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
MIZUKI'S VOCALS I CAN'T 😨😨 #projectsekaicolorfulstage #proseka #mizuki #mizukiakiyama #pjsk
All PJSK Anniversary MV's but only when Airi is on the screen
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
All PJSK Anniversary MV's but only when Airi is on the screen
I can't be the only one who thinks of this #proseka #ichikahoshino #madokamagica #homuraakemi
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
I can't be the only one who thinks of this #proseka #ichikahoshino #madokamagica #homuraakemi
Every MinoAiri Duet as of September 2024 (Project Sekai)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Every MinoAiri Duet as of September 2024 (Project Sekai)
Vocal Comparison from Furihata Ai in pjsk and llsif #pjsekai #airimomoi #lovelive #rubykurosawa
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Vocal Comparison from Furihata Ai in pjsk and llsif #pjsekai #airimomoi #lovelive #rubykurosawa
Voice Comparison of Furihata Ai in pjsk and llsif #pjsekai #airimomoi #lovelive #rubykurosawa
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Voice Comparison of Furihata Ai in pjsk and llsif #pjsekai #airimomoi #lovelive #rubykurosawa
same va (2/2)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
same va (2/2)
same va (1/2)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
same va (1/2)
Doing vampire trend before third anni #pjsk #projectsekaiedit #proseka #colorfulstage #projectsekai
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Doing vampire trend before third anni #pjsk #projectsekaiedit #proseka #colorfulstage #projectsekai
My first attempt at end of hatsune miku #proseka #colorfulstage #hatsunemiku #pjsekai #pjsk
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
My first attempt at end of hatsune miku #proseka #colorfulstage #hatsunemiku #pjsekai #pjsk
First, try on intense voice 🥲👍 #projectsekaicolorfulstage #colorfulstage #proseka #pjsk #pjsekai
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
First, try on intense voice 🥲👍 #projectsekaicolorfulstage #colorfulstage #proseka #pjsk #pjsekai
°~★ Project Sekai Favourite Trend  w/ @Aflaya ★~° #projectsekai #pjsekai #pjsk #projectsekaiedit
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
°~★ Project Sekai Favourite Trend w/ @Aflaya ★~° #projectsekai #pjsekai #pjsk #projectsekaiedit
The Hectic Cafe Rec Tiering Experience (Project Sekai)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
The Hectic Cafe Rec Tiering Experience (Project Sekai)
My Favourite Alts For Every Character (Project Sekai)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
My Favourite Alts For Every Character (Project Sekai)
The Project Sekai Card Trend But I've Been Playing For 2 Years on EN
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
The Project Sekai Card Trend But I've Been Playing For 2 Years on EN
Welcome To Dinner Scouting || Part 2 || 21k Crystals || || Project Sekai ||
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Welcome To Dinner Scouting || Part 2 || 21k Crystals || || Project Sekai ||
Welcome To Dinner Scouting || Project Sekai || || 40k Crystals ||
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
Welcome To Dinner Scouting || Project Sekai || || 40k Crystals ||
The Re-Tie Friendship Tiering Experience (Project Sekai)
StarfullYuki☆ (minoairi ceo)
The Re-Tie Friendship Tiering Experience (Project Sekai)